[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Xp4di1L.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/U9GhdDi.png[/img][/center] [H2][color=gray]Tarin, Eagle Inn[/color][/h2] [@The Otter] [hr] [quote=Callum][color=#fcba03]"How immature. You may get along well with her friend I met earlier today—tall, dark hair, riding on a wolf. Maybe you should ask [i]him[/i] your questions?"[/color][/quote] Spirit's eyes narrowed behind his mask, before he let out a short chuckle. [b]”[i]That[/i] little Sparrow? Please, animal whisperers aren't my taste.”[/b] His gaze held Callum's as the boy stepped directly in his path, and looked at the boy curiously. Before he could feel the smile creeping across his hidden face again. [b]”You really do fancy yourself a hero, don't you, boy?”[/b] He hefted Anabel on his shoulder, and she gave an uncomfortable grunt, before his eyes returned smugly to Callum's. [b]”Well, if you really think you can sto-”[/b] Before he contorted sharply to the side, ears pricking at the sound of a knife removing itself from the floorboard. The dagger narrowly missed him as it flew on its trajectory. He stared for a moment, before a smug [i]’Hah!’[/i] left him. He raised a hand, and little translucent wisps left his fingertips, soaring through the air on curved trajectories. Some aimed for Callum's arms, some his chest, some his ankles. If any were to impact Callum, he would instantly feel Slow magic grind his movement to a near-halt. [b]”Then let's dance, little [i]hero[/i].”[/b] Spirit growled as he took a menacing step forward. By this time, the patrons in the tavern had hidden themselves under tables and behind the bar, watching on with a mixture of fear and curiosity. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/v2rsukY.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/QNvw7JP.png[/img][/center] [h2][color=gray]Hathforth, Plaza Facing the Pier[/color][/h2] [@Donut Look Now] [hr] [quote=Arwen][color=82ca9d]“Would you like some flowers to talk with you? They would look so lovely in your hair, my lady. I could even braid them in for you! As thanks for helping.”[/color][/quote] Asteria, as she watched Arwen hold out the flower to her, couldn't help herself. She really couldn't. All the grooming of a noble, and she still had the childish urges graced upon her. And in that moment, she very much desired for flowers to be woven into her hair. She was sure Her Majesty would love it. Mene, already seeing the infatuation taking over Asteria's eyes, rolled his own before holding her by the shoulder.[b] “Sister, I can see your mind is made up. Deven will stay with you; I'll go on ahead and meet you at the ship. Alright?”[/b] Asteria held her brother's hand for a moment, beaming at him. He wasn't angry with her, to which she was grateful for. [b]“You are so gracious, my brother. I shan't make you wait long, I promise.”[/b] So Mene moved on, his small boyish stature disappearing in the bustle of the pier as he headed to the Battle-Blood Minstrel. Deven, dutiful as ever, stayed close to Asteria's side, keeping a watchful eye on Arwen as he too, entertained the smile on Asteria's little face. Asteria herself nodded smoothly to Arwen. [b]”Your flowers are very pretty, Arwen. I would love them in my hair. You think it would look pretty?”[/b] She said, smiling, blissfully innocent.