[color=goldenrod][i][h2][center]Gerard Segremors[/center][/h2][/i][/color] [i]There[/i] it was. [color=goldenrod]"I see it as she does."[/color] Gerard bit out, a shrug managing to rise from his haggard shoulders. As he had leaned, settled, and let the others say their pieces, he'd finally gotten a good barometer of the full extent of the damage done to his shattered ribcage. Five at least by his count. He was lucky in excess that one hadn't bit into a lung inadvertently. Even then, the impact itself had rocked him to the bone— he was doing an expert job of hiding it, one that spoke of perhaps too deep a breadth of experience already, but his head was swimming. [color=goldenrod]"I can't say I care for shackles on my will wearing the mask of a deal, but none of us are in any [i]position[/i] to refuse to begin with. You're the warden of this place, the choice ends at your insistence. One way or another, I am bound. I'll live. Don't have an argument in me."[/color] Copper had largely left his tongue save for the aftertaste. Looking at the situation on its face, explaining away any newfound ability that carried over would largely be pretty elementary. Just a heightened focus on not dying. Making your own luck. Watching. Waiting. Focus. The like. In the end, he hadn't done much different than he might have managed before— only drawing from deeper wellsprings of strength, speed, and grit than he had before. The same blade, just exposed to a finer whetstone. Sir Agrahn, should he be made aware of this performance, was likely to be disappointed at how little it seemed (to Gerard at least) he'd learned... But still, Sir Cyrus had drawn those depths out of him. And for that, [color=goldenrod]"I would stay as well. I've thanks and respects to pay. To Cyrus. To the Demonbreaker. Sir Agrahn, if he's about."[/color] A deep breath, as though steeling himself. A thought had wormed its way into his hard head. [color=goldenrod]"[i]Plus,[/i]"[/color] The tip of the sword drew free from the earth, slowly rising to level itself... onto the frame of Fionn MacKerracher. [color=goldenrod]"If this 'lout' wants to have his rematches in this deathless land, I know he'll be kicking himself if [i]we[/i] don't take at least one chance to have a [i]real[/i] fight."[/color]