[center][h2][color=#008b8b]Fionn MacKerracher[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Fionn grinned at Gertrude as she spoke up, glancing back at Gerard as he felt the tip of a sword lightly brush his mail. [color=#008b8b]"Well,"[/color] he breathed, clear delight evident in his face, [color=#008b8b]"It looks like there's all [i]sorts[/i] of fun to be had!"[/color] Sparring was all well and good, always helping to sharpen one's skills...but could never come close to a true duel, whether that be to first blood or to the death. Merilia even seemed willing to facilitate. [color=#008b8b]"Everyone, aye? Think you'd be willing to bring me back here if I ask? Let me find someone to fight, or just keep challenging Florian?"[/color] His tone aside, everything about the way Fionn was looking at Merilia...contained the exact same madness that Gertrude had seen when he'd suggested charging the dragon, but there was something awfully puppy-like about his insistent desire to see it all happen as well. [color=#008b8b]"On demand, unlimited, like?"[/color]