[COLOR=GRAY][CENTER][COLOR=dimgray] [sup]________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup][/COLOR][img]https://i.imgur.com/dzNDhVD.gif[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/0uf4YrV.gif[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/iF1n9D7.gif[/img][/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=silver][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Undisclosed[/I] - [I]Classified Information[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=silver][b]Shoot to Thrill #1.08:[/b][/COLOR] [I]Engage[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][COLOR=dimgray][SUP][sub]____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sub][/SUP][/COLOR][INDENT][sub][color=silver][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR] [I]None[/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=silver][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [I]Hot Rod Red[/I][/right][/SUP] [INDENT][color=#e06666]“J.A.R.V.I.S,”[/color] Stark’s voice echoed over the tarmac as the four test pilots were fitted into the suits. Helmets closed, momentarily leaving each pilot in the dark before the interior was illuminated with a cutting-edge heads-up display. [color=#e06666]“Begin A.I. integration, sync to each pilot and ramp up the interface, I don’t want a pilot so much as blinking without the A.I. compensating.”[/color] He snapped as the H.U.D.s in each suit changed from a pale blue to a glowing green while the upload occurred. [color=#e06666]“I’m integrating a Virtual Integrated Rapidly Evolving Grid-based Intelligent Lifeform, or V.I.R.G.I.L., but you’ll each have your own instance so you can give them nicknames. V.I.R.G.I.L. is the brains of the suit, translating your movements and intents to the suit.”[/color] Stark explained, “[color=#e06666]If you thought the suit handled well under just your skills, Highball, wait until you fly with power steering.”[/color] [color=#3d85c6]“The brains of the suit, huh?” [/color]Captain Danvers replied, looking around the helmet before speaking again. [color=#3d85c6]“Do you mind if I just call you ‘Brainy’ ‘then?”[/color] [color=#6aa84f]“Not at all, Ma’am,”[/color] Came the disembodied response. [color=#3d85c6]“‘Nuff of that ‘Ma’am’ nonsense, Flamebird or Cara will do.”[/color] [color=#6aa84f]“Understood,”[/color] Brainy replied. [color=#e06666]“Each instance of V.I.R.G.I.L. will grow and adapt to you, so y’know treat the kids right and they’ll grow up to respect you,” [/color]Stark added over the shared channel,[color=#e06666] “That goes double for you, Major.”[/color] [color=#b6d7a8]“Hey, don’t pick on me!”[/color] Jordan laughed,[color=#b6d7a8] “I’m a sensitive soul.”[/color] [color=#d9ead3]“Based on the data from Mr. Stark, I find that unlikely, if anything you’re a boisterous blo-”[/color] [color=#b6d7a8]“Geez Louise, cheese on crackers, you scared the living daylights out of me, Cowgirl.”[/color] Highball practically smashed his head on the inside of the helmet as the A.I. spoke. “[color=#b6d7a8]Freakin’ ghost in the shell up in here.”[/color] [color=#d9ead3]“Apologies Mr. Jordan,”[/color] [color=#b6d7a8]“Nah, don’t like that, Major or Highball will you, Spectre.”[/color] Major replied, [color=#b6d7a8]“Actually, yeah I like that, you’ll be Spectre.”[/color] [color=#d9ead3]“Copy that, Major.”[/color] [color=#e06666]“Look at that, the kids are all getting along,”[/color] Stark replied,[color=#e06666] “Go on Shellshock, give yours a name.”[/color] [color=#a4c2f4]“I’m okay with Virgil,” [/color]Rhodey replied. [color=#e06666]“Alright, what do you got Star Sapphire?”[/color] [color=#b4a7d6]“I’m going to kill Jordan,” [/color]Karoline replied, [color=#b4a7d6]“It’s Spitfire,”[/color] [color=#e06666]“That’s what I said,”[/color] Stark replied, Karoline could practically see him smirking from the tower. [color=#b4a7d6]“Alright, Virgil, how do you want to be addressed?” [/color]She asked the A.I. as a faint glow illuminated the helmet. [color=#ead1dc]“I was doing some research just now and I’m rather fond of the name ‘Krystal’.”[/color] [color=#b4a7d6]“Works for me.”[/color] Karoline smiled, [color=#b4a7d6]“Welcome aboard, Krystal.”[/color] [color=#e06666]“A.I. integration complete, removing locks and there-”[/color] Stark exclaimed,[color=#e06666] “The suits should be-”[/color] He didn’t even have the words out of his mouth before Highball had left the ground, rocketing into the air. A scowl appeared over Tony’s face before slowly giving way to a smile as he watched his invention soar through the air, seemingly effortlessly as the pilot and A.I. readings began to light up on the screen green. The integration had been a success, Jordan and Spectre were perfectly in sync. [color=#b6d7a8]“This is unreal,”[/color] Came Jordan’s voice over the comms, [color=#b6d7a8]“Kari, you’ve got to get up here.”[/color] [color=#e06666]“Don’t jizz your pants just yet, Jordan,”[/color] Stark snarked, “Unlocking defensive and offensive systems.” He relayed over the open channel. [color=#e06666]“Deploying targets, try not to get hit.”[/color] Behind Jordan, the other three pilots shot into the air, following the course that lay before them. Drone emerged onto the course and began targeting the four personal aviation suits before opening fire as the War Machines were forced to engage in evasive actions. [color=#6d9eeb]“I have to admit, Tony,”[/color] Rhodes’ voice came over the comms, [color=#6d9eeb]“It truly does handle like a dream.”[/color] [color=#3d85c6]“You’re missing out not being out here, Stark,”[/color] Danvers’ voice echoed followed by Spitefire. [color=#b4a7d6]“I’ll give you props, Mr. Stark, you made a good pro-”[/color] Her words were cut short as an explosion rocked the tower overlooking the testing grounds. The building began to crumble as smoke and flame engulfed the room where Tony had stood seconds earlier. [color=#93c47d]“Stark!”[/color] [color=#6fa8dc]“Tony!”[/color] Rhodes roared before turning around and flying towards the tower. Another missile flew through the air, striking the blue and white suit. [color=#3d85c6]“Shellshock!”[/color] Danvers roared as she and Highball turned towards the source of the missiles, evading another attack. [color=#6fa8dc]“Do… not…”[/color] Rhodes’ voice crackled in the comms too late as both Jordan and Danvers were hit with an electromagnetic pulse. Their H.U.D.s suddenly went black before the pair of suits plummeted towards the ground, landing in front of a pair of feet. [color=#6fa8dc]“Engage. Do not engage.”[/color] [color=#bd5252]“Too late, comrade.”[/color][/INDENT][/INDENT][/COLOR]