[b]Michael de Shade - Knight of the Veil [/b] With the demon gone in the most cowardly way possible, teleportation, Michael shoved the blade into the locking plate and heaved with more strength than a normal human would muster. Granted there were a few hundred Humans stronger than him, but they were all weight lifters. All strength and no power. Metal screamed high pitched and in agony as the blade slid downwards, the edge shearing through hardened steel until it popped free and the door swung loose. Stepping inside he shoved the door out of his way and slid the sword back beyond the Veil. A quick glamour returned the appearance of his Bulwark Shield into a Riot Shield. Drawing his gun, and it’s holy rounds he moved through the backroom and then into the kitchen, checking the walk in cooler and freezer before moving onward. Shutting off the stove, he saw no reason for the sauce to burn. Freezing he listened for a moment to the conversation before he moved closer. “Everyone in the office, slowly come out with your hands up. One at a Time. I’m a cop, I have my weapon drawn, and a riot shield. I know how to use them and If I think I see a gun or fast movement, I’ll blow a hole through you and the wall behind you.” Thank The heavens he hadn’t slipped into Middle English again. He’d almost called himself a Reeve of the Shire. He needed to avoid the Latin, it fucked with his diction.