[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/the-bride-in-hacienda-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240820/bacd6b27f9b05da1229da6baa5970a46.png[/img][/url][/center] [color=D2BE76]D2BE76[/color] [color=D2BE76]Interactions: Jericho [@BigPapaBelial] [/color] [color=D2BE76]Location: Sunny Side Cafe/Side Car Bar[/color] [hr] Nate was alone in his empty bar room, meticulously polishing glassware and making sure each glass went where they were supposed to go. The evening staff have not arrived yet, but they should be filtering in shortly to begin their prep work for the night. The room, having only six counter seats and four booths designed to host four patrons each, was designed and appointed with comfort and a certain sense of nostalgia in mind. Sure, there is more room to squeeze in a few more guests here and there. But that's not what Nate wanted. Moving on from polishing glassware, Nate began wiping off the bottles of liquor that lined the mantle behind the counter. Each bottle showing some use and having been sealed with a specialty cap from the night before. Nate made sure each bottle was clean and presentable, with their labels facing the guests as to make their selection process just that little bit easier. Mr. Ueno always made sure that Nate understood the importance of simplify things for the guest but remaining unbiased in his craft. The crew for the evening, miraculously, all arrived together and on time. Punctuality was important to Nate, but he was more lax with his colleagues. [color=D2BE76] "Good evening folks. The usual for everyone, please. Thank you." [/color] Simple words, said directly but obviously without malice. The team quietly shuffled throughout the small room, setting their belongings away and beginning 'their' tasks prior to opening. [color=D2BE76] "Business has been slower recently, given the recent events on the island. Folks weren't in a super festive mood. However, with Azul Days coming up, I'd expect tourism to pick up right where it left off and come back strong. I know you guys are all very capable at handling this, but let's continue to be mindful and meticulous in our work as we always have been." [/color] Nate continued, utilizing his usual method of conducting a meeting. None of the team members stopped what they were doing to listen to Nate. That is not to say they were not paying attention to him. They heard his words loud and clear. Nate does not expect them to stop what they were doing to listen to him and his ramblings. One of the workers turned on the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLD-WKMVYhE&t=5s]music[/url] to an agreeable volume and the sound of piano began circulating the small room. Nate nodded softly as he began wiping down the polished wood bar. Azul Days usually means a booming tourism session, and with that comes booming business. Nate idly, but still carefully, wiped down the bar, while his mind wandered over to ordering supplies for both the cafe and the bar. Thinking about what he needs, might need, or want to add, Nate took a small pause as he wrung out the towel he was using and surveyed the room. Each team member diligently working on their task whether it's setting up the chairs at the bar, dusting off the booths and adding little bits of water to the plants in their pots. Nate offered himself a small smile. Mr. Ueno would be happy to see that he is doing so well... Checking his watch, there is about 30 minutes before the first guests typically arrive. His bar isn't the usual rowdy sort. Yes, he catered to tourists, especially the ones that found their way to his cafe in the morning hours. But this bar offered a different vibe. Not so much the typical island vibe, laid back and free. This is to be an elevated experience, akin to the high class bars one would find tucked away in Ginza, Tokyo. [color=D2BE76] "Alright folks, 30 minutes to open. Lets finish up and be ready for the guests. Again. Thank you for everything you do, and let's have a great night." [/color] Simple. To the point. Just like the drinks on offer at his bar. As soon as he was finished with his words, he took out his cellphone and sent a message to a friend. [color=D2BE76] "Walls. What are you up to this evening? Still want to come by and chat? You know you have a permanent tab and family discount here ;) I'll even let your bring your own beer since I don't serve beer here" [/color]