[b]Jasper “Kalan” Raven [/b] Stepping across the threshold Kalen gazed lovingly at the host on the floor. She’d been fucked up so nicely, that was gonna leave a mark on her soul. Puriel, the other named him Puriel. He was an old one then. A Fallen One. Did he follow Father Lucifer in the Greta War? Or did he fall after? She was making a deal with Puriel! NO! NO! NO! “Mine. I was here first. Listen to my offer she must..” Straddling the body he crouched over it, his tongue dancing across his blade. Pushing Jasper down down down he spoke. Couldn’t let the Human know everything. Hehhehe. “Fix you I can… Master of Blood I am.” Kalen purred. “Fix you I will. For a favor small. I help you. You help me.” Leaning down close he licked Puriel’s face his tongue slithering along and within an eye socket. He rolled the eyeball itself like a precious delicacy. Yummy. He wanted to swallow it hole and enjoy the rage/screams/pain. But he didn’t. Leaning back he kissed the Hosts forehead, the eye healed. “Freebee, a taste of my skills.” chuckling at his own morbid humor he started cackling for a moment. Before he settled down. Leaning in he licked her neck. “Deal we make?” He asked. “See all the wounds I must. Naked you need be.” Yeah, hell yeah. He needed to see her naked. Not really, but demons were liars and thieves.