[b][right]THE HOME OF JOE WEST // CENTRAL CITY[/right][/b] Iris was broken out of her reverie by a commotion at the door. [color=red]"Sorry I'm late-![/color] Joe was on his feet and returned to the kitchen to fix another place setting and plate as Barry came into the room, smiling at Iris. She briefly returned the gesture, before pointing the remote at the TV as she rewound the documentary. [color=yellow]"Have you seen this?"[/color] She allowed it to play again, the scene of Captain America on the beach. The static, damage section came up again—the speedster in the winged helmet. This time Iris noticed more in the background of the next shot as various Nazi soldiers were disarmed and incapacitated at high speeds. How had nobody ever picked up on any of this before? She saw the perplexed look on Barrys face, and chuckled to herself. [color=yellow]"You don't see it, do you?"[/color] Barry shrugged, then laughed himself. [color=red]"No, not a clue."[/color] Iris leaned in, casting a glance to the kitchen. Seeing Iris need for secrecy Barry sat himself down and leaned in. [color=yellow]"The [i]speedster[/i]."[/color] He raised an eyebrow. [color=red]"All I see is static, possibly some tape damage."[/color] His eyes went wide. [color=red]"Are you telling me-"[/color] Iris eyes darted to the door as Joe re-entered the room. [color=red]"-that Joe is watching one of my documentaries?"[/color] Joe chuckled as he placed a mat and plate in front of Barry. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Well, what can I say? They seem a little less crazy these days."[/color] The room went silent as the documentary continued. Barry seemed to go distant, his eyes glazing over. They were all shaken out of their reverie as Joe's phone started to ring. Raising his hand to indicate one minute, he unflipped the antique device. It wasn't long before he came back rushing into the room, and pulling on his jacket. Placing his cap upon his head. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Bomb threat downtown."[/color] Rushing out the door he turned back to Iris, pointing at her. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Straight home!"[/color] Turning out of the house Barry smirked back at Iris as he stood back up. [color=red]"You're not going to stay here are you?"[/color] Lightning flashed in her eyes. [color=yellow]"Not a chance."[/color] He blinked, and Iris was stood there in her costume. Pulling the cowl up over her head she smiled at him. [color=yellow]"Lock the door behind you-"[/color] She flashed a wink at Barry. [color=yellow]"-I'll be back in a [i][b]Flash[/b][/i]"[/color] [hr] [b][right]ABANDONED WAREHOUSE // CENTRAL CITY[/right][/b] Harrison stood with his briefcase in hand. The old door creaked and groaned as he pushed it open, his footsteps echoing on the cold hard floor. [color=teal]"Hello!"[/color] His voice echoed throughout the warehouse. Things shifted in the dark, and then suddenly a door opened. [color=Cadetblue]"Wells!"[/color] The man rushed forward, a smile on his face. [color=teal]"Jackson."[/color] The man looked ragged and worn. That was to be expected, until several months ago Jackson had worked for STAR Labs as a technician. Until he was found stealing from work to fuel his habits. Harrison twisted the briefcase away from Jackson as he went to grab it. [color=cadetblue]"Is that what you promised me?"[/color] [color=teal]"This power-cell should be the solution to all your problems-"[/color] he twisted the case in his hand. [color=teal]"-and maybe even a little something else too."[/color] [color=cadetblue]"Name your price."[/color]