[color=silver][center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLjU5NTU1NS5SbVZzYkhkcGJtYy4y/great-vibes.regular.webp[/img] __________________________________________________[/center] Upon feeling an incoming vision, Fellwing braced herself to be once more torn from time and place. To be given another's eyes to see through, or be freed from the confines of a body altogether. Instead, when she opened her eyes, she found herself still there, standing exactly where she had a moment ago. Everything around her was still just as it had been — except, somehow, [i]more[/i]. The Seer gasped at the onslaught of sensations now flooding her, feeling disoriented as she dared take a step. The ground wasn't just a solid thing to be treaded on anymore, it felt like a whole different [i]being[/i], made not of soil and stone, but of a million tiny organisms, their sum alive in its own way. It took a disturbingly short time for Fellwing to reorient herself to her new state of existence and focus back on what she was searching for, no doubt thanks to the strength of the Liberty Moon. Its guidance was potent. And so, she saw[i] them;[/i] wires wrapped around her entire being, criss-crossing across her entire field of vision. It wasn't some unknown, wind-like force that had pushed her back. It was [i]these [/i]things, sinking into her scales without her being none the wiser. A thought disturbing enough to make her shiver. Though Fellwing's first instinct was to try and start blindly hacking away at them, the way one might reflexively swat away a spider and then flail about, she had enough restraint to stop herself. All that would do was make it harder to figure out what was going on. So, Garrock and his family drama entirely forgotten, Fellwing opted to try and follow the wires to their source instead. She might've been a poor choice of drake to help with matters of the family, but if there was one thing she was good at, it was venturing out after her visions in search of answers, and somehow [i]not [/i]dying in the process. [/color]