[@Pirouette] [color=576BC0]‘On this side, we’ve got Erika, the “out-of-box thinker”! Well, not actually, but she sure hopes to learn how to! It’s her first time in PokéMania, so give her your support!’[/color] Makirisu called when it was time to present Erika. Just like Colin, he got a little cheer from the people above that immediately started betting on who would win. And with that, they were going to prepare for battle! Gibs VS Lombre. It started with Lombre blasting over with a Fake Out, causing Gibs to flinch and also placing Lombre right up in his face. Gibs blasted out a Sandstorm, while Lombre started draining with Absorb. Grass was normal effective normally against Gibs, and it remained so now. Colin then commanded Lombre to Fury Swipe, doing a fair amount of damage… but not as much as Gibs did with a sudden Dragon Rage flame to Lombre’s face. When the time came that Erika lifted a Pokéball to attempt to snag the opponent, so too did Colin, but it was clear Lombre had taken more damage. That said, with a Snagem Battle, it was really the luck of the draw that called it! First two Pokéballs, each at the other’s Pokémon. The balls shook once… and then CRASH! Both balls broke open at the same time, Gibs and Lombre both breaking out of the Pokéballs! Next round, both trainers threw their Pokéballs again… Colin’s Lombre broke out of the Pokéball again! However, unfortunately, Gibs did not! Colin beat the difference of capture-rate by sheer luck! Unfortunately, it looked like Erika was down one in this fight. [color=576BC0]‘Colin takes the first battle! Will Erika be able to recover!?’[/color] Makirisu asked, and the crowd was going wild. The ball quickly opened, and Gibs was returned to Erika, but he was officially out of the match. Now, normally, Erika would just send out the next Pokémon against Lombre, but now we’ve written out all the strategies already, so we’ll do all of them like one-on-ones. Kay VS Beautifly! Colin commanded Beautifly to fly in for a Bug Bite… which did practically no damage to Kay! [color=576BC0]‘Oh, my! What would normally be a super SUPER effective move turned into a complete blank! Did you forget it was an Inverse battle, Colin!?’[/color] Makirisu asked excitedly, and the blank look on Colin’s face confirmed, yes, yes he did. It slipped his mind. Kay used Swagger, confusing Beautifly while also raising the butterfly’s attack twice. In retaliation, and to use the power-boost, Colin commanded Beautifly to Tackle! … And it worked out fine, powering through the confusion to deliver a painful tackle onto Kay! It took around half her health! Kay took the moment to Topsy-Turvy, changing that boosted attack into reduced attack! This is where Colin tried to use one Air Cutter to bring Kay’s health even lower… and it did not work! Beautifly hit itself in confusion, for meager damage on account of lowered attack! Kay shot a Psywave, which did towards the lower end of the damage it could do! Erika commanded another Psywave… but Colin decided to try his luck throwing a ball! It hit Kay, and she had to try to break out… And she succeeded! She broke out the ball, and launched another Psywave, this one doing towards the higher end of damage to the disturbed Beautifly! Now, once again, both trainers were readying Pokéballs, and threw them at the same time! And… both broke out! Next round! Both trainers threw the Pokéballs again, and now it was just the luck of the draw, something the audience seemed to be loving. Kay and Beautifly both were absorbed into the Pokéballs, as allowed by this particular set of rules. Both balls rolled once, then twice, then thrice… Then Kay victoriously broke free of the Pokéball, and Beautifly did not! Erika won this one! [center][color=6ecff6][i]Kay grew to level 18! Kay learned Hypnosis![/i][/color][/center] [color=576BC0]‘The score is evened! Who will pull out on top!?’[/color] Makirisu commented, and the crowd was looking pretty excited. Eep VS Sneasel. Colin actively pointed at the creature he was facing and just went [color=A0B068]‘What in tarnation is that!?’[/color], apparently not recognizing the ancient Pokémon. [color=576BC0]‘Oh, no! It seems Colin doesn’t know what he’s facing! How will he handle the type match-up!?’[/color] Makirisu asked with all her energy up where she was commentating. [color=A0B068]‘I mean, I can see it’s a plant, but…’[/color] Colin defended himself. In lack of any other strategies, Colin started with Quick Attack! Which slammed into Eep and… did a surprising amount of damage! It’s Super Effective! Eep’s Rock-type was working against him! Colin did take note of this! Eep ingrained, healing some health, but not quite as much as the damage he’d just taken! Now, because it was Tackle and Eep has good defense, it wasn’t even half his health, but it did make Colin consider… So he used Fury Swipes! Super Effective! Sneasel cut with its claws over and over… and over… a bit too many times! [color=A0B068]‘Wait, Sneasel, stop!’[/color] Colin called, but in vain! Sneasel cut the full five times and laughed eagerly… a bit too eagerly. Eep fainted! … Eep was healed to full right in front of a confused Sneasel, who hadn’t realized the point of the match was in fact NOT to faint the opponent! In return, Sneasel got a blast of Acid in its face! Critical Hit! Sneasel stumbled back, looking quite annoyed! Sneasel’s Special Defense fell! It became another turn of Eep shooting Acid at Sneasel, and Sneasel striking back with Fury Swipes, only three of them this time! Still Super-Effective, but Eep’s defenses held fast! Unfortunately, Acid is quite a low-powered move against a foe with surprisingly robust special defense, so it wasn’t doing a lot of damage! The critical hit and the lowered special defense helped, but only so much! Eventually, however, it once again came to the time where both trainers prepared their Pokéballs. Eep was absorbed into the ball, but broke out quickly! That ball stood no chance against Eep! Meanwhile, Sneasel, got in the ball, and it shook once, shook twice, shook thrice… And then it stopped shaking. Sneasel was snagged and out! That’s 2 for 1 on Erika, and we’ll rule it Erika’s victory! [center][color=6ecff6][i]Eep grew to level 19! Erika was victorious! Erika gained 400P for winning![/i][/color][/center] [color=576BC0]‘The new blood wins! It’s Erika of Cooldome City!’[/color] Makirisu called, and the crowd cheered. [color=A0B068]‘Aw, man…’[/color] Colin made a general expression of being disappointed in how the battle went. [color=576BC0]‘Now, would you like to go again, or will that be all? If you keep going and you win, the rewards will be greater~!’[/color] so she told Erika. Her Pokémon would be healed, too. What would Erika do?