[b][right][color=red]'DOWNTOWN' /[/color][color=yellow]/ CENTRAL CITY[/color][/right][/b] Iris ran the length of the city on foot and was still there before the bomb squad had arrived. She squeezed herself through the first cordon, past the on-lookers stood with their phones out. There would always be fools who tried to get a chance of glory, at risk to themselves. Running up to the police cordon she came to a stop near a group of officers who stood with a bunch of laptops and cellphones. The wind rushed as she stopped scattering their papers everywhere, they turned to her with a mix of annoyance and surprise. She put her hands on her waist, twisting herself slightly in an attempt to look heroic. Instantly regretting the decision she rubbed her hands together awkwardly. [color=yellow]"What's the situation-?"[/color] [color=Aquamarine]"Who the-"[/color] [color=Bisque]"Hey you're that one that fought that Condiment King!"[/color] Iris blush matched that of the red in her costume. [color=yellow]"Yup, that's me. Your friendly local superhero."[/color] She coughed clearing her throat. This wasn't going very well. It wasn't going badly, but it wasn't going well. [color=bisque]"Well, there's a bomb down the street there Miss uh-?"[/color] [color=yellow]"Flash, call me the Flash."[/color] [color=aquamarine]"Really?"[/color] Iris waved off the remark. [color=yellow]"Just go with it, so the bomb?"[/color] [color=bisque]"Yes, uh. It was called in anonymously about ten minutes ago. The timer still has thirty minutes on it, we're just waiting for the bomb squad to arrive."[/color] Iris looked around the area. While there were some civilians nearby, most of them had likely been drawn in by the police activity in the area. This part of the city didn't typically see much action, especially at this time of the day. The bomb was in the middle of an intersection, easily seen. Easily detected. Not only that it had been called in, anonymously. Everything she had picked up from her father's years of experience taught her one thing. This was a trap. [I][color=yellow]But is the trap for me or someone else?[/color][/i] She had been using her speed to help for a few weeks, but only recently donning the costume and helping in a very public 'superhero' kind of way. That can't have gained that much attention yet? Iris nodded to the officers. [color=yellow]"Okay I'm going to take a look-"[/color] [color=Dodgerblue]"Not without me you're not."[/color] Iris and the officers turned around as a small blonde woman wearing civvies approached, the only thing identifying her as a member of the police was a badge at her waist. She pulled out her ID and opened it up to show Iris, and the other officers present. [color=dodgerblue]"Patty Spivot, CCPD Crime lab.[/color] Iris raised an eyebrow, her father and Barry had told her there was someone new in the crime lab, but nothing more than that. [color=yellow]"And why would I take you for a look?"[/color] [color=dodgerblue]"Do you know how to disable a bomb?"[/color] Iris didn't respond, merely shifting her weight nervously. [color=dodgerblue]"That is what I thought."[/color] Rolling her eyes, Iris grabbed Patty and within half the blink of an eye, they were at the bomb behind the cordon. Several cylinders were tied together with wires, nuts and bolts. In the centre of the configuration was a Lex 5 Series, the latest smartphone on the market. The timer counting working its way down slowly. [color=yellow]"Got anything Miss Spivo-"[/color] The phone's screen turned to a camera, flashing saving their likeness. They both flinched as the phone buzzed and a notification came through on the screen of the phone. [center][h3][b][color=lightblue]Run.[/color][/b][/h3][/center] The timer re-appeared on the screen. Five Seconds. Their eyes went wide. [color=dodgerblue]"Badllaaannnnddddddssssss."[/color] Iris hadn't even noticed before that there were two attachments on the bomb near the phone. Grimacing she picked up the bomb, and headed south towards the badlands. A barren stretch of land between the city and the mountains. Digging deep she ran. [i]4.[/i] Over cars, around people. Pushing herself as hard as possible, digging deeper. [i]3.[/i] The wind rushing passed her. [i]2[/i]. As she left the city, and got onto the dirt. A cloud of dust shot up behind her, she came to a stop and dropped the bomb. [i]1[/i]. Turning around and running in the opposite direction she was glad for the goggles that were built into the outfit, she couldn't see anything. She just focused on trying to go in a straight line, there was no telling how big a yield the bomb was going to have. She stopped, skidding slightly on the loose surface as she turned and looked back at the very unexploded bomb. Approaching it cautiously, the timer on the screen had been replaced by another message. [color=lightblue]"Thankyou for your participation."[/color]