Puriel shuddered. They willingly summoned a demon; they should’ve expected this… this [i]thing[/i]. This fucking beast salivating over their host. The body’s heartbeat was faltering—whether that was from blood loss or fear was anyone’s guess. [i]I’m not scared of him[/i], Cherry said defensively. She was, of course. She was scared of Puriel too. But. Well. Better the devil you know, and all that. Baring their teeth, Puriel snapped at the demon’s tongue as he pulled away from their forehead. They missed miserably—even with one eye healed, their depth perception was terrible. The demon’s spittle stung Cherry’s eye like tap-hot water. Not burning, exactly, but certainly striking. God. She hoped he wasn’t carrying anything. It wasn’t difficult to see his lust. It almost made him less scary, if only in the sense that he wasn't completely unknowable. It was honestly pathetic that an otherworldly being was into sex. Like, a million billion trillion rapists worldwide and this legendary creature was just another one of them? Really? It made sense, in a way, that beings of sin would be so human, what with humans being the progenitors of sin and all that. But like. At least when Puriel made a contract with her, they made a dramatic entrance, spoke with [i]gravity [/i]and [i]presence[/i]. This demon just gave her a view of what it would be like if Yoda wanted to get in her pants. Honestly. Take a girl to a virgin sacrifice first. “The vessel is mine,” Puriel growled. “You will not remove its clothing, nor will you have sex with it. You will not make a deal with the human within. These are my terms.” A tensing of the jaw. “Name yours.”