[img]https://i.ibb.co/Cbt9DZh/Vhoth.png[/img] [hr][hr] There is a loud grunt at the bite into his shoulder before he hisses as he feels the shards tear into his body. He tries to grab a hold as he feels his grip loosen but it’s to no avail. With a few shakes of the head, Vhoth is sent flying. Thankfully, he’s used to it. His body contorts in the air, making his landing somewhat softer. As he lands on the smaller form, three of his arms wrap around Germ and hold them close, as Vhoth rolls a couple times. He pants softly, waiting for his vision to quickly orient itself before he sets Germ on their feet. [color=FAC358]“Sorry about that!”[/color] Germ couldn’t see the grin under the mask, but he was definitely making one. He set a hand on Germ’s head for a moment and then turned and started to run back into the fight. He didn’t have time to assess his wounds or actually worry if he was bleeding or not. He paused in front of the Stone-Horn for a moment to take in the situation. There was fighting on the top. He could see Penni and then Cambrian make quick work for bleeding. He watched Erin try to hold the tail and sink into the mud. Huh. Thankfully he hadn’t been in the line of the shot, as he watched it sink just above the eye. There! That was the perfect opportunity while the beast was trying to orient itself with its obscured vision. He rushed in again, working his four armed grip to grab a hold of the front of the beast this time. One arm gripping the horn, while the other three worked to grab at the jaw to close it and to just hold on. Two grabbed the bottom of the jaw, gripping it while the last arm not on the horn reached to grip at anything to find purchase. He shifted his stance to brace easier as he held onto the Stone-Horn. Hopefully, being up in its vision will help obscure some of the others to make quicker work.