Agrid slowly rose to her feet, allowing her body to rise off the ground like an old school vampire horror clip. Her hands clasped behind her back as she continued to rise until she was completely off the ground, dark wisps of shadow and smoke flowing from her like elegant tendrils of darkness. Her red eyes flashed a moment, as she bared her teeth at the new demon boy. He practically dove on top of the girl to claim his stake before he spoke. She hissed lightly as she hovered above the two of them, her body quivering in the mist like a dark illusion. "Foolish boy," her voice reverberated around them as if it came from every little shadow. The shadows called out quietly, as if the very souls of the damned called from them as she dissolved into the nearest one. She pondered leaving. It was obvious Puriel was looking to make the deal with the body but her duty kept her from going too far. She remained there, hidden in the shadows as she watched the two of them. Unfortunately, she needed the help. She scoffed at the idea of recruiting this savage to her team but at the moment, they were the only demons in this area. She was sure she could get more to her cause. It would not be hard but that would require her to actively seek them out, and she needed to get something moving, soon. So with a groan, she slipped her form out of the shadows and allowed it to flow once more into the arm chair before she condensed and materialized there in the spot. She rested an elbow on the arm rest and laid her temple against the tip of her index finger as she watched the two of them. Disappointment was clear on her face at the sight. It would, of course, be her luck that it would be Puriel, a demon who can't accept that he's not an angel anymore, and this savage who were the ones she would find to recruit. She had found the possible location of the next seal and whether the humans were aware of it or not, it was smack dad in the middle of their accursed Knights of the Veil territory. She wonders if maybe the knights of old had found the seal and built their headquarters on top of it or if it was just a coincidence that they had come to settle in that location. Either way, it made things far more difficult than she would like. Sure, she could probably slip and out without dying but she couldn't imagine it would be an easy task and she would not come out unscathed. And if she wanted to [i]break[/i] the seal. Ha, she would die in the process. It took too long, too much power, and would leave her open to attack while she did it. She would need people to defend her and keep her safe while she tore the seal apart, one piece at a time. So for now, she needed to convince these two to follow the very reason they were put on this earth in the first place and go with her to kill every last knight, prophet, and angel born in that territory before they could rip the seal apart and free another layer of demons into the world. Then they would be just one more seal away from starting the apocalypse. Despite herself, Agrid smiled a gruesome smile as she thought about it. She would free the horsemen. It was only a matter of time.