[b]Jasper “Kalan” Raven [/b] “Sex? Who said anything about sex?” Kalan snickered. “Terms? Terms?” “Contract maker, deal breaker.” Sniffing at the air he twitched. His head snapping hard enough that the cracking on it’s spine was audible even to the human host buried deep inside. ‘Frankincense, Myrrh. Honey… Holy weapon. Gonna take more to heal that..” “My Terms… I heal you.. even the holy damage. And you owe me a favor. Whatever I ask, as long as it’s within your power. If you cannot, then the debt is still owed.” “Within... Six Years, six months, Six days, Six hours, Six minutes, and sex seconds from the last wound is healed. I must call the debt, or it is forgiven and forgotten.” Moving around as he spoke Kalen examined the Wounds without touching Puriel or the Host. “I’m thinking of opening a club.. Lucifer’s Playground.” “A place to teach the young-lings some S&M. Have the occasional... sacrifice. Leeches for the occasional bloodletting. And where to arrange the annual.. foxing.” Looking up from his potential client he gazed at the shadows with a strange lust in his eyes. “Leave not oh beauty of the night. For perchance a bargain we might make.” Watching as she reformed in the chair, he quivered like a schoolboy looking at his first naked supermodel picture. Or perhaps meeting his boyhood crush.