[img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240721/045a1499395de24cb292afd3237addfd.png[/img] Marsala was finding it more and more difficult to concentrate not only on Alfredo’s movements but also their own as the battlefield picked up in chaos. This would be something they would have to improve on, and fast if they were going to be a V.E.T. [i][color=F2D885]Chalk it up to lack of battlefield experience. Perhaps I’ll be able to get pointers on that later. [/color][/i] Marsala had, thankfully, managed to pick up on the beast’s watchful eyes and wariness that accompanied it. As such, they had opted to keep themself out of the fight for now. Focusing more on Alfredo’s movements within everything, keeping the stone-horn on its toes, and observing their allies to better assist them seemed to be more productive than getting in their ways. Their teammates seemed to be more comfortable around physical conflict and Marsala didn’t want to be a hindrance. They were worried that the others would find it distasteful to have a rat step on them during the fight. Worse than that, they may find it distracting enough to get injured. Marsala themself didn’t find the reward enthralling, but obviously some on the field would or surely the captain wouldn’t have suggested it. And, Marsala was not about to squander another’s reward. Marsala watched as the battlefield changed. One ally replaced by another. Someone underground, making the footing unsteady. Metal cloud clatters and turns into opposing rock cloud. A small opening in its side, made through opportunistic teamwork. Two allies colliding forcefully. A bullet ringing out and working to obscure the creature’s vision. Nothing worked to create an opening for Alfredo to wriggle his little self inside and the stone-horn had hunkered down to be more defensive. The only opportunity came from Cambrian at its head. When the stone-horn would have gone to bite him as it did Vhoth, Alfredo could jump in then. But the wasteman didn’t stay for long as he began searching for a new focal point. He was quickly replaced once again by Vhoth. Marsala wasn’t worried too much over the quasit’s health, as most others tend to heal significantly faster, but Marsala had taken note of where he landed. They had seen him get sent flying and crash into Germ, [i]and had seen no hostility from Vhoth directed at the rat wasteman![/i] [i][color=F2D885]Surely he wouldn’t mind Alfredo climbing on him if he didn’t mind coming into contact with the rat wasteman! Alfredo is small and cute, smells like wildflowers, and is clean. Plus he wears a little hat. All of these should be favorable traits compared to one that is… lacking some of his tail.[/color][/i] Alfredo weaved around the debris on the field to get to Vhoth, making haste in scampering up his leg and along one of his arms currently keeping the stone-horn’s mouth clamped shut. Coming face to face with the obstacle that was a closed mouth, Alfredo stopped on Vhoth’s arm. He pawed at the stone-horn’s mouth while looking back at Vhoth with lifeless, glass eyes and letting out a short squeak. It needed to get inside of the stone-horn and administer the poison if Marsala was going to induce delayed response times. Marsala wouldn’t have to worry about being in anyone’s way if the beast’s openings last longer.