[center][h1][color=808080]Rannon[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] Rannon was used to taking orders and giving them when the time came, but long conversation was not his forte. It muddied the objective and kept him on his toes about where the orders were truly coming from, what exactly they expected of him. He was a man of few words, but he was decisive. Deliberating got men killed, and unfortunately that sort of mentality leaked into peacetime or preludes before a battle. He almost wanted to tell Cadmus to keep his mouth shut, albeit in a gentler manner. But he had to admit the question was valid. Meanwhile, he pushed the inclination away for other matters. He was not too keen on going so far beneath the world, but it was not the worst thing he could think to do. It would simply be an ignominious and pointless death if he died in a cave-in, and his large stature and great sword was not best suited for tight spaces. And the water nor air could be trusted. What would he do with Gideon? He glanced at his mabari, who seemed to sense his eyes and looked back up at him. Rannon guessed they would make-do like they always did, but the logistics of the venture with food and water would be a nightmare, even with the aid of the dwarves. In fact, the combat against the darkspawn seemed the easiest part. Even the promise of more blights was not too unwelcome to him. Rannon had always been a good soldier, and a good warrior. He could fulfill both roles, and even if someday he did not come back from a campaign or a fight, as long as he was killing darkspawn, he was happy. Gideon felt the same way, to a point. Though, Gideon also fed off of Rannon's temperament and desires in a way. A part of him wished he was a different man, so Gideon could live a better life, but he also knew if he was a different man, then Gideon would not have imprinted on him in the first place. But fighting darkspawn where they slept in their beds, or whatever passed for their homes... it felt like vengeance, or justice. He did not know which, as of yet, but he would figure it out. As for his part, he at least wished to introduce himself. It was expected of him, and though he did not speak much, it was not out of shyness. He cleared his throat, pushed his chair back, and stood to his full height, towering above everyone present save the Qunari, and even then they did not dwarf him in size. [color=808080]"I am Rannon Bryce, of Fereldan. This is my companion, Gideon. I am known by many of you, but to those who do not know me, I simply wish to say we are brothers and sisters of the order. I will fight, and if by some need, die to see that our mission is done. Let us go forth and take their spawning pits by storm."[/color] He spoke matter-of-fact, without raising his powerful voice, and then simply sat down, letting his words hang in the air. For good measure, Gideon gave three hearty barks in agreement, and they echoed across the walls. Rannon placed a hand on Gideon's massive head to keep him steady, but the mabari merely nuzzled the hand back, happy for the attention.