Sorry about vanishing, had to help my sister move! Anyway, admitting that this is completely stolen from Skyward Sword, I'm thinking some cultures in the sky islands have a coming-of-age ceremony where folks get a flying mount to allow travel between islands. Imma call it Everwing Island. Also, I think a good way to flesh out the above questions is to start with character creation- it'll usually spark ideas about nations and such. So, with that in mind, here are the listed character generation steps: [list] [*] 1. Create their identity, a short sentence that summarizes how they see themselves at the moment. [*] 2. Choose their theme, a strong ideal, feeling, or emotion that dominates your character's actions. (Examples include Ambition, Mercy, Belonging, Duty, Hope, Justice, and Revenge) [*] 3. Choose or create your character's origin, either selecting a place from the World Sheet or creating a new one [*] 4. Choose two or three classes, and distribute your five starting levels among them. Note your FREE BENEFITS and SKILLS. That Nerdgrinder site has a page with all the classes, so see if any fit your concept! [*] 5. Determine which ability array you will use (Jack of All Trades d8/d8/d8/d8, Average d10/d8/d8/d6, Specialist d10/d10/d6/d6) and assign them to your Might, Dexterity, Insight, and Willpower [*] 6. Calculate starting HP, MP, and Initiative [*] 7. Use a starting budget of 500 Zenit to purchase equipment, then add any leftovers to 2d6*10 to determine initial savings. [/list]