Interactions - [@Infinite Cosmos] "Nate" Tanaka [center][h3][i][b]Jericho "Walls" coming down[/b][/i][/h3][/center] Jericho waves to the tour group he'd taken out on the water. Though the fishing charter had said they could pull in two fish a person, they had not requested actually bringing home some tuna. Pity really. Jericho had been prepared to bargain for some of the meat for himself. Tuna fish being an especially good meal. Jericho stays on the quay and smiles watching the tour group get into their vehicle then race off into the early evening light. Turning back he gathers up the gear and takes it inside the warehouse, setting all the kit down on the floor, and seperating the rods out. He picks up a remote and sets it playing a local radio station. The music filled the warehouse as Jericho began to work at seperating the rods and reels and the lines. He'd need to do some maintenance on the reels and rods. Those tuna today put up some fights. As he's working his phone pings. And he reaches over and picks it up. [i]"Walls. What are you up to this evening? Still want to come by and chat? You know you have a permanent tab and family discount here ;) I'll even let your bring your own beer since I don't serve beer here" [/i] Jericho chuckled and texted back, [color=LightSlateGray]"Nate! How's things? Just doing some clean up from a fishing trip. The Bar running well? Oh my an invitation to the greatest of watering holes? Hehe fine. Be over in abit." [/color] He could do the rest of the rods and reels in the morning before the hiking trip. For now he has some unwinding to do. Grabbing a satchel, and putting a few bottles into it from his own drink cabinet. And outside he gets, locking the warehouse behind him, and grabbing his bike. Soon he's racing down the roads. After a ride, he comes rolling up to the Sunny Side/Side Car. Ringing his bell in greeting, and leaning his bike on a pillar outside. Soon entering the building. Waving and calling to Nate, [color=LightSlateGray]"Hey bredda, how tings go? Mi hear seh a did some good company bout. Mi bring some drink too, hope yuh up fi some a it."[/color] JEricho striding up to the bar and opening his bag, pulling a bottle of spiced rum from within.