[center][color=bc8dbf][b][h1][u]WELCOME[/u][/h1] Introductions, hi I'm Dumpsterfire! I'm 35 and legally blind but I have plenty of vision to read and post. As you continue reading you'll be introduced to my posting style, my interests and pairings. Plots and even a post example. You'll even be linked to my character list that I am still currently working on but it gives a good idea of what my characters look like and their personalities. Now, onward!! [hider=ROLEPLAY STYLES] I am a casual/free roleplay poster, I'm looking for longterm partners who can match posting styles. I myself can post 1 to 3 paragraphs patching whatever my partner has given me. I enjoy a fair amount of details in the posts that way there is plenty to work with, and I will and do the same for the partner. [/hider] [hider=WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR] For my roleplays I mainly play as a female character first and foremost. At times I have played a male main character but not often. For my partner I am seeking a Male character to pair with my Female character. Oc's are perfectly fine for the partner to use if any topic that is of Anime or video game is picked. I personally do not play cannon characters, I am far more comfortable with my own Oc's. [/hider] [hider=ROLEPLAY COMFORT] Within my RP's I do enjoy 18+ aswell as ERP's (erotica roleplay). Now going forth mature content such as violence is fine by me, [u]adult fantasies[/u] can be fully discussed within a DM that way everyone is comfortable. No there doesn't have to be a lot of anything chosen it's all based on comfortability for both parties. [/hider] [hider=ROLEPLAY PAIRINGS AND OPTIONS] In this section I will list all the pairings that I find appealing to me. Under here if there is a role [u] underlined[/u] this will be the role I am to be playing. Further more and I make this clear. I ONLY play female characters and as such I am preferably looking for a Male counter part. Also I am heavy into smut so the more the better! [list] [*]Roommates (modern/fantasy/anime/18+. I do have a plot idea for this one.) [*]Childhood friends/rivals (modern/fantasy/anime/18+) [*][u]Secritary/assisstent[/u] x Boss (modern/18+) [*]Forced arranged marriage (Fantasy/MedievL/18+) (I have a plot idea for this one.) [*][u]Princess[/u] x Knight/blacksmith/enemy creature hybrid (fantasy/medievL/18+) [*][u]Servant girl[/u] x King/Prince/next in line (Uncle). (fantasy/mediieval/18+) (plot idea for this one) [*]Human x any vatient of elf. (fantasy/18+) [*][u]Village healer[/u] x werewolf/wolf demon (fantasy/18+) [*][u]Monster girl[/u] x Adventurer/townsmen/warlord/hunter (fantasy/18+) [*]Adventurers (fantasy/medieval/18+) [*]Human x Alien (fantasy/scifi/18+) [*]Daughter x Father/Step father (18+) [*]Step siblings/sister x brother (18+) [*]Neice x Uncle (18+) [*]Neighbours (18+) [*][u]military nurse[/u] x military man (modern/scifi/18+) [/list][/hider] [hider=ANIME AND PAIRINGS] These are the few Animes I enjoy, but I am open to roleplaying an anime of my partners choice. As I've put below with each anime, I only play my OC's never cannon. And I absolutely don't expect my partner to play cannon characters at all, the choice is up to you. But if you choose to play a cannon character that you are familiar and comfortable with that is perfectly alright with me. [list] [*]Naruto (my OC x your OC or canon your choice.) [*]Cowboy bebop (my OC x your OC or canon your choice) [*]Samurai Champloo (my OC x your OC or canon your choice) [*]Inuyasha (my OC x your OC or canon your choice) [/list] [/hider] [hider=PLOTS AND STORY IDEAS] [/hider] [/b][/color][/center]