Fia knew she had to give Drake more information than she already had done, he deserved to know after being dragged back here after all. "I will but not in earshot of everyone else" she replied to him honestly. She then started to wonder if this house had the hidden hallway that it did in her time as that would be perfect for their conversation. For now though she decided to just use a different room. "Let's go to another room" she said, taking his hand and pulling him out of their current place, down the hall and into another room that just so happened to the room Kay was using. Closing the door behind them, she placed a sound proofing spell on it so they wouldn't be disturbed. "okay...we should be good now to speak freely" she stated. Kay and Chas both wrinkled their faces up in discomfort at being told they weren't being as quiet as they thought they being. They both then noticed Fia and Drake leaving the room and Kay couldn't help but feel a little suspicious of why it seemed Fia was clearly leading the decision. Shaking the suspicion off her mind, she focused back on the situation in the room the rest of them were in. "I wasn't actually thinking if it was a viable option" she grumbled. "I don't know anyone personally" Chas spoke up. "So lets just say that option isn't available to use, what other ideas have people got?" He then added. "looking back on my magical lineage and see if there's a connection to Serena's?" Kay suggested.