The woman came to in a fury of illness and passionate screaming. Like waking from a bad dream. Perhaps drugs did that to a person. Wracked them with fear. Made them fall apart. Or it was the demon that had put her in this state of brokenness. Kyle wanted to cry. She was freaking out and it was freaking him out more than he’d like to admit. Jumping near out of his skin when she first awoke. “Whoa! Hey, hey, it’s okay!” Kyle tried. And through the shouting, the phone rang off the hook. Desperately Kyle looked to Randall, who equally was attempting to steady the woman. Forgoing the phone to pat her back as she tossed the contents of her stomach again, agitation lighting in the quirk of his brow. “Fuck.” Randall practically barks the word out. “We ain’t open yet. Get the damn phone Kyle before I strangle ya with it.” Randall shakes his head at the words this girl was spewing. Coke and everclear. Whatever Kyle had dragged here was bad news. And she had tossed the contents of her stomach all over his office. It made him want to fire the new kid. In fact he would. This was a fireable offense in his opinion. The teenager is scrambling to the phone, fingers fumbling with it before clearing his throat and in a very high pitched ‘everything is fine’ voice he answers. “Saucy’s Pizzeria. This is Kyle. We’re closed.” Kyle hoped the person on the other line could not hear the commotion currently unfolding on his end. It would totally look bad for the business. Whatever the person on the other end said was drowned out by the sense of someone coming up to the office. In his scrambled state he felt a sense of relief and was surprised by the intensity of the voice behind the door. [i]“Everyone in the office, slowly come out with your hands up. One at a Time. I’m a cop, I have my weapon drawn, and a riot shield. I know how to use them and If I think I see a gun or fast movement, I’ll blow a hole through you and the wall behind you.”[/i] Kyle obediently dropped the phone and lifted his hands up, Randall on the other hand seemed as if he would have an aneurysm at any moment, teeth gritted. “What the fuck type a’ cop threatens to blast a hole though innocent citizens?” Randall shouted back. “Motherfuckers breaking into my store. Threatenin’ to shoot me?” Kyle was beside him in an instant, shaking his head. Pleading with his eyes. “We are totally coming out. And completely unarmed!” Kyle said. But god it sounded forced. Maybe suspicious even. “I-I’m opening the door. Please don’t shoot me!” Kyle tried again. Reaching for the knob, searching with his entire being for any sense this would put him six feet under. It never came. In fact the sense of dread had lifted to such a degree that he could almost breathe. That Cherry lady had slinked off his radar for the most part. It made the boy want to fling the door open wide and leap into the arms of precieved safety. As if on instinct, Kyle placed himself in the line of sight of Randall and the battered woman. Attempting a smile. “Good morning, Sir. Officer.” Kyle swallowed and tried the word again. “Officer.” But it didn’t feel quite like the correct title. And there was something off about the guy. Not necessarily in a bad way, just odd. Like the man before him was hiding something. “You know trespassing is a crime.” Randall spoke from behind Kyle. “Copper or not. You need a warrant to be in my shop if you are tryin’ to dig around here.” The store owner had also taken up a sort of stance before the woman, just as Kyle had done. “Let me see some kind of badge.”