Germ, admittedly, felt a tiny bit bad for scratching up his four-armed ally. It was an unfortunate reminder that he would need to learn to be more accurate if he intended on fighting with a team. The smells and sounds of such chaotic combat were also overwhelming. Sure, the rat had experienced many scraps in his life, but full blown combat like this was a lot. Germ would get used to it, though. He had to if he intended to leave this place. The rat was about to drop his razors to keep them from harming his friends further– [h3][color=c13309]THUD![/color][/h3] The four-armed fellow crashed bodily into Germ. Strong, muscular arms wrap around his small, fuzzy frame, revealing just how underfed the poor rat is. His ribs and spine were fully felt underneath his skin. The fellow was warm. Terrifyingly strong. Germ’s whiskers twitched as he let out a squeak with each roll. All of his fur stood on end and his ears, as pesky and large as they were, perked up. Germ’s little rat fingers hooked into the fellow’s clothes until he was firmly set on the ground. He stared up at that four-armed ally, barely managing to squeak out a breathy, [color=39ff14]”Th-Thank you!-- Er– Sorry?-- It’s fine!”[/color] Germ was stuck staring as the fellow rushed back into the field, his tail suddenly back between his fingers. It was rare the little freak was manhandled these days, especially when people were not trying to kill him for some sort of mystery debt he did not remember. Granted, Germ's stillness was only for a few seconds. He had no time to waste, something that was made very clear as a sharp stone stopped only inches from Germ’s chest. He stared down at it for a second, then leapt backward. More flesh was exposed now, which was good. Unfortunately, his tiny razors were doing the equivalent of paper cuts. A swarm like that would do no good if it hurt his allies more than the beast they were hunting. Germ crouched down, reducing the surface area that could get hit by rocks. Then he wiggled his fingers. They were a bit harder to control from this distance, but Germ’s rusted swarm still lifted into the air. It took Germ a moment to act. His breath fell still, something that was rare for the anxiety addled rodent. Only his nose twitched as he thought. Then, with a swift flick of his wrist, Germ sent his razor swarm underneath the wall of rocks. Sure, some of the metal would be deflected away, but this gave Germ a chance to take out its legs. He licked his whiskers as the metal shards clumped together. Then he sent the shards flying at top speed toward the underside of this thing’s knees.