[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240825/9121df70318a10e05298ee81ed4e66fc.png[/img] [img]https://www.rgj.com/gcdn/-mm-/9a10d18443197ab9a2a837953a60ea6375b5467c/c=4-0-1916-1080/local/-/media/2015/10/17/RenoGroup/RGJ/635806780009705693-Kyoukai-No-Kanata-Mirai-Hen-Sakura.jpg?width=1320&height=746&fit=crop&format=pjpg&auto=webp[/img] [/CENTER] [h3]R.I.S.C. Dossier[/h3][hr][sub][color=gray][b]Name[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Kelly Anne Makai[/indent] [sub][color=gray][b]Age[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]19[/indent] [sub][color=gray][b]Physical Evaluation[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Kelly certainly looks younger than she is, which has gotten her some questions regarding her participation in a Savior corps before. Short at just a bit above five feet with a slender frame and round, heart-shaped face, her height and overall build makes her look more like a younger adolescent. Her short hair, dyed pink, only furthers this impression. Still, she [i]is[/i] nineteen, and though she may not look it at first glancee, she is perfectly physically capable. The baggy clothing she tends to wear conceals a fairly impressive athletic physique, and she is startlingly coordinated. Though her looks may be deceiving, she is every inch a pilot. [/indent] [sub][color=gray][b]Psychological Profile[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Kelly is quiet and reclusive much of the time, highly introverted and preferring her own company. There are, however, additional notes to her character that can come out in certain situations. For example, though she is generally a fairly kind and easygoing person, she is [i]highly[/i] competitive; especially in physical contests, where some insecurity about her youthful appearance can prompt a strong urge to prove that she's perfectly capable of keeping up with anybody else. This competitive streak is generally harmless, but on occasion it [i]can[/i] yield to out-and-out aggression if she feels she isn't being taken seriously. In addition, she grows aggressive and potentially violent when people mention her family in any kind of derisive tone (which she is hypersensitive to). As may be surmised from that, she is particularly proud of her skill as a pilot, and though she [i]does[/i] take her job seriously, she also has a tendency to show off from time to time when she considers the situation handled. [/indent] [sub][color=gray][b]Background Information[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Born in a small town just outside of Queenshand, Kelly grew up on the coastline and spent a vast amount of time in and around the water. Her parents, native of the small town Hovvi, had maintained a small vacation home there that they headed to on occasion. One such time was during RISC's recent and disastrous showing there. She was spending time on the lakeshore when the second singularity manifested; and, being an extremely strong swimmer, she jumped into the lake and swam as hard as she could away from shore. She was found shivering and hypothermic in the middle of the lake during the emergency search the next morning, having watched from a distance as Hovvi was destroyed and [i]Dragon[/i] fell. As yet, she bears a distinct, if misguided, grudge against St. Senn, a loose childhood acquaintance of hers; if she'd dropped earlier, or been down in Hovvi to begin with, Kelly's parents and a town that she'd spent a fair amount of time in could very well have remained. Immediately upon being rescued by RISC, she asked--[i]demanded,[/i] even--to be made a pilot, so that what happened to Hovvi would [i]never[/i] happen again, and so she could take her own form of vengeance. [/indent] [h3]Savior[/h3][hr][sub][color=gray][b]Designation[/b][/color][/sub] [indent][i]Elya[/i][/indent] [sub][color=gray][b]Body[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Unusually tall and broad, [i]Elya[/i] is built like a brick wall. A much larger proportion than is typical is armored in silver modium metal, masking the black beneath and making [i]Elya[/i] fairly resistant to damage. The fingers are long and end in vicious talons. At the pilot's request, a blue diamond has been stenciled directly over where the Savior's sternum would be.[/indent] [sub][color=gray][b]Weapon[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Kelly's weapon is an enormous, vicious flail. Made entirely of solid modium, it is [i]remarkably[/i] heavy even for its size, even compared to other Savior weapons. While it may appear cumbersome at first glance, it becomes apparent watching her fight that it's essentially an extension of Kelly's body While she has a fairly slow phase, when she does her flail gains the unique and powerful ability to arrest molecular motion, superchilling anything that it touches to truly frigid temperatures approaching -200 degrees Celsius. [/indent]