[center][h1][color=FF8C00][b]Freakshow[/b][/color][/h1][/center] The Terrazards were rushing in to bring the literal 'house' down, even as the bulky monstrosity of Freakshow barreled out of the building with a serious haste. Ardent had taken the heat, perhaps both literally and metaphorically speaking, from the amped-up Torch inside of the building....and she wasn't going to let it go to waste for the time being either. Evacuating the twins, and ultimately Lab Rat it seemed, in the nick of time was certainly a thing many might call 'heroic'. To her? To her it was just the practical thing to do to get the others out of there and rush them to safety, while also doing something or anything to try to bring down the flaming building before things got worse and maybe taking out Torch along the way. Or, well, hopefully not taking out Ardent in the process. Actually, that was a good point there- [color=FF8C00]"Ok kids, fun time's over! Time to get off the big ol' fleshy horror ride! Please just hold tight, or maybe not try to kill each other, or somethin'."[/color] As she moved out into the open, and got properly clear of the building in her flight, Luna would gingerly deposit both of the twins as well as Lab Rat on the ground together. Though as she finished speaking, her tone went from an almost whimsical theme-park-ride tone to something more akin to an exasperated mother trying to juggle three kids in her arms while the other two were almost burning down the house. Almost. Maybe. Hopefully just an 'almost', though just in case the fleshy monstrosity kept the Terrazard command device concealed fully inside of her flesh alongside that other head that had been talking into it. Better to keep a handy tool on-hand and hidden from sight in case she-...oh. Ok. Yeah, that was better than she'd thought it was going to be. Noticing the ongoing drenching of the now-just-smoldering building that was still being torn to shreds by her Terrazard Demolition Team, it also stood to reason that she'd at least notice the nearby kaiju fight going on as well. Or, well, two kaijus and an angry bunch of mushrooms trying to figure out how this was going to end until one hell of a haymaker took the giant monkey out finally. Things were going down fast though, weren't they? In part it made her glad, though otherwise it made her want to simply sigh at the hectic nature of it all. But that was a fight for ya, it could be fast and it could be slightly less fast depending on what was going on. Not unlike a bunch of suicidal morons on a bridge trying to hold it like they're the Greeks at Thermopylae. [color=FF8C00]"Terrazards, keep tearing down the building to the ground, and once done with that return to the open field here and line up in two neat blocks and wait at attention."[/color] The head hidden inside of her body spoke into the command device again, even as her external heads kept an eye on things around her to make sure it all went down well enough at least while she stood next to the trio of bodies she'd gently put on the safe ground outside what was now right next to her. That giant hole inside of the building was certainly something to take note of as well, thinking back, but the Zards' had been pouring out of it like water from a busted dam earlier. Like someone had a breeding project going on down there, or had been cloning them or something. Went deeper than this stupid moron Torch and his attempt to make a goon squad for sure....how much deeper she didn't know, but to recruit a moron and draw them in with a proxy to take the fall that used a name like the 'Azure Skulls' it had to be something perhaps. Not to mention they'd lost sight of a convenient little super-smart tinkerer in more recent memory to boot, at least before ICOSA had arrived. Hmm. Following her gut instincts, Luna would inside of her own body begin fashioning a neat little thing in secret. Do her best to match the density, weight, exact dimensions, and size of the Leftovers Control Device using good old bone and such hard materials she could generate. She did have the real thing, after all, and she could engineer a nice, smooth replica 'just in case' after all. Just in case something or someone tried to pry it from her by force and held her peers hostage or something stupid like that. Or, well, if Magician tried to get it. She really didn't like that guy, or trsut him as much, though speaking about the matter of ICOSA....as for Ms. "Chimera" Perez? Heh. Well she could see the smaller woman wasn't on her perch, and that building just got a nice new water bath to help the situation. Didn't take too much to at least assume the woman had done something as things had gone to hell in a heartbeat, and the monster of a heroine felt more respect for that personally over someone just willing to sit back and risk innocent lives over this sort of thing. [color=FF8C00]"Hey Crane and Grumpy Shrooms, you two doin' ok?"[/color] One of the extra heads would shout rather loud to the other two heroes, wanting to know if they were doing ok despite the victory. However, Mire was getting a new nickname for a breif moment even if they hated it. Also it wasn't tehcnically wrong, Luna felt, since Mire was a grumpy bunch of fungal matter with sapience and a personality of their own. But hey what was a bad situation for if not badly-timed teasing at teammates as thanks for a job pretty well-done in beating up a giant monkey? Eh? Eh? Well, overall perhaps it was a job maybe not nessecarily done yet anyways. It depended on how they proceeded from here really, and she wasn't going to make assumptions until the fat lady sang her heart out. But in the meantime- [color=FF8C00]"Hey Rat, er, Lab Rat. Could you keep an eye on these two knuckleheads for a sec? Specially' the one ready for some maple syrup here after gettin' pancaked, he'll need some doctorin' to get him back on his feet for sure. Don't have to worry bout' the nearby Zards', though, I've got em' handled for now. Meanwhile I'm going to check in on Ardent and stuff inside real fast, and see if Ms. Perez decided to make her debut on the Brookside scene....also if that stupid hole is still open for now too. Somethin' about all of this smells a bit too fishy about this whole scenario and its timing from here, and I don't think its the trash in the burnin' building either."[/color] With that, the monstrosity would make her way quickly back toward the burning building to catch up with her hopefully-alive teammate, maybe even to get him and Torch out of there if she had to help take down the murderous dolt. Secreting more of the fire-resistant mucus substance over herself, then, Freakshow would plunge into the smoldering building again in an attempt to locate the others. Yet while she braced herself for a potential battle, at the same time she hoped there wouldn't have to be one. Ardent was a tough guy, but he also wasn't immortal...none of them were for that matter. [@Blizz][@ManyThings][@Silver Carrot][@shylarah][@Hitman][@DClassified][@Zoey Boey]