With that, the binding circle flared once, twice--and then it was gone, save for a few lingering rings around the knights' feet. The same blue as the magic, if they had in truth agreed to be bound, and a surly red if they hadn't. The ensuing geas binding [i]those[/i] was considerably less flashy, a brief flare of red before all the circles winked out entirely, and the witch gave a brief shrug as the night gave way once more to a sunny day. "There you have it; you'll all know the signal when the magic no longer binds you." She turned to Thrinax, "[i]You[/i] had best be off before the dragonslayer gets over here. Or at least go fight somewhere else." The dragon gave a dismissive snort, but took the advice, rising into the air sure enough and wheeling round--once, twice--before gliding off away from the knights and Talderia both. The witch gave them one more glance, lingering on Renar as if she was about to speak, then shrugged, "I'll be back for you at dawn, have fun." Then she was gone too, leaving just the Iron Roses, an amused looking fairy... and an absolutely massive cake. [hr] Sure enough, as dawn rose over the not quite real Talderia, the knights once again found themselves returned to their own rooms, and their own beds, still in the depth of night where they had left and with sunrise hours away. No headaches, though, whatever the witch might have said. Aside from, perhaps, a hangover from any celebrations.