When the imp called out to the group once more, Flicker looked equally ready to round on the small fiend alongside Cascade, the hair on their head slowly starting to resemble flames. However, they didn't get a chance before Aura stepped in, causing Flicker's rage to freeze for a moment. They raised an eyebrow as Aura stepped forward, starting to talk about deals with geniekin and the like. She was up to something, though Flicker had no idea what. The fire genasi let out a sigh to calm themself before placing a hang on Cascade's shoulder, hoping this would stop her from lunging at the creature and allow Aura to do... whatever it was she was trying to do. They had to trust that there was a point to whatever-this-was. Jørmund seemed to take this pause in their journey to open a barrel of liquer, even offering some to the rest of the group. Flicker gave their teammate a look. [color=f7941d]"Surprisingly, Jørmund, my stance on drinking has [i]not[/i] changed since the last time you asked me,"[/color] the fire genasi responded drily. They were attempting to sound joking in their tone, but given how tense they were at this moment, it probably came off sharper than they meant.