Drake stared at the book and said “Where did you get this?” He was shaking, staring at the book. “Fia…you should have told me as soon as you found this thing…this isn’t moms book…” John leaned back and thought it thru. “How do you know him Serena?” Serena smirked and said “when I first was on the run…I ended up at his club. Not really sure how but I was hiding in the alley when the back door opened and his partner came out. Maze. She saw me and pulled me inside. He helped me understand how the magic world works and how to hide my aura so demons would stop finding me. His been a friend…but John what did he do to you?” John waved his hand and said “it’s more the messes we made up ourselves. But she’s got a point. His the most knowledgeable in this apart from me and his dealt with time magic as well. But if Kay goes…he wouldn’t harm her. But those around him at the time…can’t trust them. Chas. Why don’t you, Serena, her man and the kids go talk to him.” Serena paused and then said “you know of his trick. Deepest desires. You want us to hear what the kids say” John nodded. “He will get the truth. I want answers. Bane as well.” Serena nodded and said “it should work…”