[hider=SETTING SUN][COLOR=dimgray][CENTER][sup][h1][center][img]https://cdn.donmai.us/original/42/4e/__alpha_and_lucia_crimson_weave_punishing_gray_raven_drawn_by_nid417__424eccde028d864515e3c79f01a5dc4d.png[/img][/center][b][center][color=black] K O I Y A Z E[/color] [color=e93817]K O I Y A Z E[/color][/center] [/b][/h1][/sup] [color=silver][sup][b]"Hey. I'm watching the sunset right now. I'm busy. Fuck off and die."[/b][/sup][/color][/CENTER][table][row][/row][row][cell][center][sub][sup][sub][h3][b][color=black] C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T[/color] [color=#e93817]C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T[/color] [/b][/h3][/sub][/sup][/sub][sup]_________________________________________________________[/sup][img]https://i.ibb.co/xGPWX2P/eye-trail.jpg[/img] [/center][indent][sub][sup][sub][h3][b][color=black] C H A R A C T E R D A T A[/color] [color=#e93817]C H A R A C T E R D A T A[/color][/b][/h3][/sub][/sup][/sub][/INDENT][sup]_________________________________________________________[/sup] [COLOR=silver][INDENT][sub][color=#e93817][b]True Self[/b][/color] Igarashi Ryuuko - 五十嵐 竜子 [color=#e93817][b]Persona[/b][/color] Koiyaze - 来いやぜ [color=#e93817][b]Pathos[/b][/color] Sikth [color=#e93817][b]Role[/b][/color] DPS [color=#e93817][b]Weapon of Choice[/b][/color] Odachi and Kodachi [color=#e93817][b]Domains[/b][/color] Fire Lightning Enhancement Manifestation [color=#e93817][b]Playstyle & Attitude[/b][/color] Melee pure DPS split between magic and physical damage; Real Angry Burnout™. [/sub] [/INDENT][/color][/cell][cell][INDENT][sub][sup][sub][h3][b][color=black] I G A R A S H I R Y U U K O: B R O K E N B I R D[/color] [color=#e93817]I G A R A S H I R Y U U K O: B R O K E N B I R D[/color][/b][/h3][/sub][/sup][/sub][/INDENT][sup]________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup] [COLOR=silver][indent]Ryuuko had a fairly typical early and adolescent life. School, friends, family, and so on and so forth, in a suburb of Nara. Perhaps the only thing truly exceptional about her was her talent at singing and impressions; though her voice was naturally a bit low and husky compared to her peers, she could contort it into whatever she wanted with a startling degree of accuracy. Then everything changed at 18 years old, during her first year of university. An innocent and innocuous phrase from a friend: "Ryuuka, you're so good at this! You should be a voice actress!" Well, she thought, maybe she [i]should.[/i] Her auditions may not have gone well the first time or the second time. Even the third time. But as more time passed, she eventually learned what she was doing, and at 19, she finally made it into the world of the voice actress. In her first bit part in a show, she was very well-received; again, despite her husky voice, she was [i]abnormally[/i] skilled at a super high-pitched cutesy one. Before too long, she was once again a part of a show. Though this time, not a bit part, more of a side character. This went on for a few years until she was 23, when she got her first real breakthrough role as the main character in a cheerful slice of life that ran for three years, and by the time it had finished, she was fairly known as a VA now. It was about this point where she started asking about other roles. She didn't [i]mind[/i] what she was doing, she thought, but she'd been hankering for a more serious role where she could use her [i]actual[/i] voice. That wasn't so much to ask, right? Yes, apparently. Her next major role was for a more serious character in a movie. And yet, "more serious" still called for the [i]same voice.[/i] It was at this point that Koiyaze found her first root: an idly-described character the type of which Ryuuko would most want to play created for fun, with more detail added over the years when she couldn't. A few more years passed of this. A few more games, movies, shows; and she became quite well known, to the point where people might recognize her on the street now and then from interviews. And [i]every time,[/i] they were disappointed that her voice wasn't the one that she'd ALWAYS done. Not only that, it was starting to [i]hurt.[/i] She'd grown quite successful now, successful and in demand, which means her workload kept increasing more and more and [i]more.[/i] Free time became a thing of the past; there was only work and sleep. The voice that she was always forced to do had been fine up to now; but she'd always kept it limited. It was so far from her normal voice that generally, she was careful to not strain herself. But with her agent ramping her roles up, the strain was starting to become audible. More vocal strain meant more retakes; more takes meant more vocal strain. The first time her voice cracked and broke entirely in the studio, the stares were [i]deafening[/i]. So, she gave her agent an ultimatum, hoping it'd be taken seriously. One more chance. One more role. [i]One more cutesy voice.[/i] The [i]second[/i] her contract was up, she cut ties with the entire community and burned every bridge. If she needed to put on that voice [i]one more time,[/i] she was going to be sick. She moved back to Nara and found a little place; from years of success, she had a substantial nest egg built up. Now she could finally take a break from her chokingly demanding career, spend time with her... ...Friends? It was only then she realized that she'd been so obsessed with her job that she'd forgotten to make friends outside of work colleagues, and if she tried to make them online, people who shared her interests would undoubtedly figure out who she was and she'd be forced to scramble to avoid the awkward conversations that would ensue. It was then that she discovered the New Big Thing: VRMMO. A way to completely evade her reputation, and make friends with people who would [i]never[/i] know. Well, hey, couldn't hurt to try, right?[/indent][/COLOR] [INDENT][sub][sup][sub][h3][b][color=black] K O I Y A Z E: D R A G O N ' S D A U G H T E R[/color] [color=#e93817]K O I Y A Z E: D R A G O N ' S D A U G H T E R[/color][/b][/h3][/sub][/sup][/sub][/INDENT][sup]________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup] [COLOR=silver][INDENT] It worked. It worked [i]very well.[/i] Ryuuko's avatar Koiyaze is in Pariah a [i]lot[/i] as she jumps from group to group, making friends with them and never being recognized from the sheer differences in appearance and personality: almost a foot higher at 178cm, slim, with long white hair and elaborate tattoos that she's had magically transferred into her skin. Blazing brilliant red eyes. Nothing like how she looks back in the real world. She's a grumpy and embittered woman in game; and not just because of the direction her career went. Though she's kind of bitter and frustrated IRL, it's not nearly as prominent. No, she sees it (whether consciously or not) as another chance to act, and this time, to act [i]whatever character she wanted to.[/i] And the that character is a rough, foul-mouthed, coarse woman, almost [i]piratical[/i] in attitude and bearing. The [i]opposite[/i] of what she'd been made to act for so long. It's a form of freedom, certainly. But it can also be somewhat counterproductive. It takes a certain kind of person to tolerate who Koiyaze is. Many people simply don't want to deal with her constant bile. So though she first joined Pariah out of a desire to make friends, there's still a sense of loneliness that pervades her much of the time. It becomes a paradoxical push and pull; joining groups of people or guilds, getting comfortable around them, then being kindly asked to leave because she's just...really hard to get along with. Not [i]everyone,[/i] she does have a few fast friends here and there that enjoy her unfiltered approach to life. But she still remains lonely. [/INDENT][/COLOR][/cell][/row][/table][hr][/COLOR] [hider=Spells & Spell-like Abilities] [color=#e93817][b][/b][/color] Koiyaze doesn't use many organized spells; or rather, she uses a few very heavily. Consequently, the catalogue of spells in her pocket is quite limited. [color=#e93817][b]Dragonbolt[/b][/color] The primary driver of her magic damage is this, brought to life by enhancement and manifestation. An alloying of fire and lightning magic creates a remarkably destructive breed of red lightning. While it's rather powerful and useful in a number of situations, the main way Koiyaze uses it is to shroud her blades in auras of searing light to cut through whatever stands in her way. [color=#e93817][b]Lightning Step[/b][/color] The purest form of lightning enhancement magic, Lightning Step allows Koiyaze to cover ground absurdly quickly, resembling nothing so much as a bolt of lightning in motion. While she can't keep it up for a long distance, it allows her to zip around battlefields, slashing through several enemies in only a few moments. This can be applied to very limited things as well; she can enhance only her arm, for example, turning a stroke of her sword into a nigh-untraceable gleam of light [color=#e93817][b]Sunset[/b][/color] Noteworthy in how infrequently it's used, Sunset is the most powerful magic that Koiyaze can bring to bear. A pair of phantasmal dragon wings forged of Dragonbolt spreads from her back and she ascends into the air as she draws both weapons and the empowered Dragonbolt from her wings gathers upon them as well in a lengthy windup. Then in a single motion a boom rings out as she dives at a target fast enough to break the sound barrier, shearing through them before they can even begin to blink and and leaving a trail of blazing devastation in her wake. [/hider] [hider=Character Feats] [color=#e93817][b]Slivers of Sunlight[/b][/color] She may have some impressively dangerous magic, but most of Koiyaze's arsenal can't be used with any competency if she's not also skilled in the use of weapons. Luckily, she is: the proud wielder of an oversized odachi-kodachi daishou, she has all the conduit she needs for Dragonbolt. She generally reserves the use of her large odachi for larger and more powerful threats and bosses, leaving the kodachi for general use as it's much more agile and easier to use in tight corners. A particularly impressive aspect of her swordplay is how fluidly she's able to swap between them; even while her odachi can't be sheathed in a normal fashion, she still seems to make it look easy. [color=#e93817][b]Grumpitude[/b][/color] Owing to everything that her life has been up to this point, Koiyaze is a fairly grumpy individual. Not [i]angry,[/i] per se; just generally a bit of a grouch. She can keep a lid on her proper temper most of the time; it's extremely rare that she really loses it and starts screaming in anger. But what she [i]will[/i] do is grumble about it for the next hour and a half, really let it [i]smolder[/i] in her, and [i]not[/i] be subtle about it. Letting things go is...not exactly one of her great life strengths. [color=#e93817][b]Trying Her Best[/b][/color] Like I mentioned, it's hard to really get Koiyaze properly angry past her general grumpy baseline. She'll [i]sound[/i] mad and tell you to fuck off, but on the whole, she can be kind of toothless unless she's [i]really[/i] disturbed. But not only is that all true, but she actually tries her best to be [i]supportive[/i] when she can. She thinks, or at least hopes, that she's a good person; and perhaps the biggest evidence of that is how she tries to comfort people and such. Operative word being [i]tries,[/i] as her emotions are a bit out of whack. But try she does. [color=#e93817][b]Low Battery[/b][/color] And part of the reason why it can be so hard, her emotions are so out of whack, is simply because Koiyaze is [i]tired.[/i] Not physically, necessarily; but she's mentally and emotionally exhausted from over a decade of stressful work growing only more stressful as time went on. As time goes by, perhaps that exhaustion will begin to abate, and she might come to resemble what she was like before everything went sour again. But until that chance comes to pass, she is [i]exhausted,[/i] and will remain as such.[/hider] [hr][/hider]