Fia watched Drake hold the book, flipping through it whilst his hands shook. She went slightly wide eyed when he asked her how she got ahold of the book and that it was not, in fact, Serena's book. "But it looks just like her book. I found it in your house" she admitted finally. "I see now I should have told you but I wanted all the information first and I didn't know how to initially tell you." She told him. She didn't know what to think anymore, if this book was in fact a copy of Serena's and not actually hers, then it left a hollow dark feeling in the pit of her stomach as it meant, this was either planted for her to find or whoever it does belong to, the owner made Serena use it without her consent. "this is getting more and more complicated" she sighed, running a hand through her hair as she began to slowly pace to get her thoughts and information all in line in her mind. Kay and Chas listened to Serena's story of how she knows Lucifer and Kay mentally noted how John brushed off Serena's question to him. She was now curious to exactly what those messes John and Lucifer got into. "I really don't like this idea John but I'll go to keep the kids safe and only to keep the kids safe." He replied, reluctantly agreeing to the plan. At least John agreed Kay wouldn't be totally safe around Lux and who Lucifer associated with. "I guess we're heading to LA then" he sighed. "I'll go tell the kids' Kay said, giving Chas a reassuring pat on his shoulder to signal that she was appreciative of his concern for her well being. He really was becoming a good friend. Leaving the room, she went looking around for Fia and Drake, calling out their names. "Drake?! Fia?! Where are you both? We gotta talk". Fia in the secured room with Drake heard Kay's voice and sighed, "I guess our chat is over" she spoke, walking to the door and unlocking it from the sound proofing spell and the normal lock. Opening the door, she poked her head out, "what?" She asked, causing Kay to stop and turn on her heels to see Fia's face in a doorway. "you two are to go to LA with Chas, Serena and Josh" she instructed.