[h2]Miina Malina[/h2] Okay, so that was everyone that they needed to remove out of the way before there was actually a problem... and now Ciradyl was being taken hostage! She could probably get herself out of it, at least Miina hoped so, but that was something awfully precious at risk if they didn't help. The problem was that as much as she might want to sneak up... she had to ask questions, which didn't go well with a stealthy approach. Then, who wouldn't attract attention immediately? Esben, good choice or not, was immediately out because he had drawn attention by getting in a fight. Same for Eliane, although she seemed so unsuited to a stealthy approach to begin with... and Galahad was armoured and had come through the floor. Right... Eve and Robin didn't even seem like they understood the [i]meaning[/i] of a subtle approach, so it couldn't be either of those, either. Izayoi was even more out, arguing with Mizutani and all. That left Arton and Rudolf, and Arton was armoured. Rudolf it was, then. Did this seem like favouritism? They'd even gone out looking for her brother just a little bit ago... Still, he was the best option available. Creep up the stairs, stick close, prepare that not-quite invisibility once again but exclude [i]herself[/i]... she could hold this for a little while. Hopefully the push on his back would be interpreted right (and the muttered "g-go", if he heard that), otherwise... well, someone else would have to do something. Being loud wasn't her specialty, but Miina could do it! Deep breath and... jump forward. "E-Excuse me!" Bright red, raised hand... that ought to be enough to get Mizutani's attention, right? "I kn-know we're in the m-middle of something, but I've g-g-got a question! Y-You worked with m-my brother, right?" Well, 'employed' was more accurate, but that was a minor detail, "Z-Zeke Malina? Umm... c-can you tell me w-why he left?" She'd ask where he went, but it didn't seem like the person that had been looking for him would know any better. Knowing why he left might get her something! Or maybe she'd get an angry tirade, that was just as useful. And hey, she was providing a distraction. That ought to help, too.