Fia didn't like what she was being told by Drake before Kay came calling for them. She knew Drake wouldn't let this drop now this book had come into the situation. It unnerved her greatly that she found a book that should have never been found ever again. Now Kay was telling her that she had to go to LA with Serena and Chas?! She gave a sigh and wanted to protest but the look on Kay's face told her not to bother arguing. "why LA?" she decided to ask instead. "Serena has a contact out there and we've decided you, Drake, Serena, Chas and Josh should all go whilst John and I stay behind with Trish and work from here to get answers" Kay replied, deciding to keep Lucifer's name out of her mouth for the time being. "uhh...okay" Fia simply replied with a shrug, sending she was being kept in the dark but she wasn't going to say anything as she herself had been keeping so many of them in the dark herself. Chas was thankful that for once John was being secretive about his history with Lucifer. It was for the best that Serena didn't know every detail about that acquaintance, though he did wonder if that was even the right word to use anymore. Before all of this and Kay came into their lives, he knew how much John used his less than normal ways to gain information or get his own way....sleeping with Lucifer was just another case of those ways. "okay, so we've got our plans decided, I'll look at flights out to LA now" he commented, beginning to head out the room when he saw Kay walking back with Fia in tow. "Hey Chas? To save on flights, I can open up a portal to get us to LA in a flash" Fia spoke up.