[center][h3][color=#b3ccff]Esben Mathiassen[/color][/h3][/center] [hr][@VitaVitaAR] [hr] He had almost been looking forward to a fight with Tane's most skilled guards, although between the gun fire he heard down the stairs, Galahad's sudden arrival, and both the final guard and the crime lord's attention being immediately drawn to Izayoi on her arrival before she cut the last one down, there wasn't anybody present for him to actually fight. With his and Galahad's own words going unacknowledged—and the chance he'd though to give Ciradyl going untaken with the sudden flurry of activity—he sheathed his sword once more, choosing instead to observe the walls in this corner of the room. Artwork; some stolen, undoubtedly, and probably the better pieces. Those that he figured were actually bought legitimately...he could only assume that there was a link between the sort of mind that appreciated such pieces and chose to become a crime lord for an occupation. Unfortunately, other than its occupants, the only things of note in the room were decorations and fresh corpses. He had a sinking feeling that any sort of office or the like, containing any of the documents he might have liked to get his hands on, were further below. Hopefully not among the destruction that would have been wrought by Eve and Éliane; regardless, there wasn't much time left to try and find such. The other part of his goal had been entirely derailed by their target not being quite where he'd expected, their path forward blocked until the rest of the team caught up to them after all. As Miina finished with her questions, he turned back to the farcical hostage situation playing out in the middle of the group. Given the utter dismantling of all of her defenses, it seemed that lady Mizutani Tane was starting to deteriorate before their eyes. [color=#b3ccff]"I rather think [i]you're[/i] about to be [i]hers,"[/i][/color] he observed, just loud enough that the panicking crime lord could likely hear...and just ambiguous enough given all the people in play that she'd probably be more confused by the statement than tipped off as to what was really about to happen. He turned back around, descending the stairs quickly—one hand latching onto the collar of another of the group as he did. [color=#b3ccff]"I think they've got things handled well enough up there. Want to help me hunt something else down back on the lower floors, Robin?"[/color]