[b]SAM[/b] As Anya looked up at the ceiling in a manner that he recognised all too well as the universal sign someone was thinking about their next words or ideas, he gave her time to come up with her answer to his question before he watched her look back down and rapidly type on her phone. When she was done, he listened to the phone speak what she typed out and he couldn't help but get a little smile on his face at her words. Her likes on films were much more broad than Dean's which was a nice change of pace for him. He took, liked many different films, he had the people he had known over the years to thank for his broad taste in films, songs and anything else pop culture. "Oh I seem soppy enough do I?" He teased before chuckling, "well you'd be sorting of right there I guess, my likes are pretty wide. Fantasy, sci fi, superhero stuff, thriller, room coms when done right...I'm a lot more open to anything" he added before continuing, "I've got a good stash of stuff we can watch in my room if you're okay with that? We don't really have a separate room to watch stuff in" he explained. He didn't want to put her on edge but also didn't want to assume she'd just be okay with watching something alone in his room with him. If she was unsure about that, he'd gladly think of something else and find a more neutral room they can watch something on his laptop. "We keep meaning to invest in a large TV and make a room for relaxing but the two of us keep going back to our rooms and not do anything about the idea" he told her, even though the full truth wasn't just that they keep going back into old habits, it was an idea they had come up with when Mika was still around and when she passed, the plan just kind of fell through. Though now Lexi was living with them, even if it ended up being temporarily, he might make more of an effort to sort something out. "If you're not comfortable with that, we can just grab my laptop from my room to go watch something in another room?" He then suggested, to show her that he didn't want to push her into a situation she wasn't happy with. He hated the idea of someone thinking of him as some kind of predator but he could also understand it with the job he and Dean had. It's not like their lives were completely open and innocent in a lot of ways. They did do a lot of shady things to keep people safe on the streets at night over the years. But he was still very aware of how he came across to people and he liked Anya, thought she was a cool person who deserved a lot of respect. So he began to guide her to his room so they could pick something to watch whilst she decided on whether she was happy to remain in his room to watch something or go in another room that's more open to watch something. [b]LEXI[/b] Lexi hoped that her message back to this person on the dark web would be enough to grab their attention. She was usually pretty good at drawing people in and convincing them to give her information she needed, but there was always that tiny part of her that always became concerned that she wouldn't convince the next person she was trying to reel in. Leaning back in her chair, she made herself to try and relax a little, but here was Dean Winchester next to her, stretching and inadvertently looking more appealing to her than he did just moments ago. She tried to keep her mind focused but then he had to go and say about strip poker before mentioning the very valid point that they were working and could end up on the road any moment. "Easy cowboy.... It's probably not the best of ideas you could have right now" she smirked, looking at him out the corner of her eye. She couldn't help but chuckle when he tried to change the subject by wondering what Sam was up to and joking about driving himself into having a stroke. "I'm sure Sam is fine showing Anya around, he's a big boy he can look after himself" she replied to him. Going quiet once more, she tried to think of something to do that would be wholly innocent and normal but her mind had inexplicably gone utterly blank. Her mind had gone into work mode so rapidly that she now didn't know what to do to shut her mind off for a few moments. As she tried to think of something to do, her laptop pinged with an incoming message, making her sit up and open it up. "Well hello OccultNrd333" she said in an almost cooing tone. "Seems we're right about them being desperate because that was barely any time at all for them to reply" she remarked before actually reading the message. [i]'HntrssDknss76, I have received your message and I'm choosing to trust you. I do need proof though to guarantee putting my trust in you is the right thing to do. If proof is good enough I shall send coordinates on where to meet. OccultNrd333'[/i] "Seems they want proof but I'm reeling them in pretty easily here. Almost too easily" she told Dean. This wasn't her first rodeo on the dark web and usually it took a few more messages back and forth before she got what she needed out of the mysterious user, but this was straight up choosing to trust as long as she sent proof they had leads on where the Colt was. "How do you wanna play it?" She asked Dean honestly.