Kay looked down at her arm then up at Drake when he grabbed her. She wanted to flinch out of his grip as she was still learning not to activate her fight or flight senses whenever someone grabbed her from behind, but she managed to compose herself. "yes...your mom and John think seeing him is our only option at this moment to get some answers or ideas. That's all I know." She told him honestly, seeing no point in lying to the kid. When Fia walked in ahead of Kay, Chas couldn't help but wonder what made Kay lag behind, but it wasn't any of his business, so he focused on the moment in hand. Fia shook her head at Serena's question. "No, at least, it hasn't done all this time but then again, I've only opened a portal to cover two people max to walk through." She said honestly. "But if I can open one to come all the way back in time here, then I'm sure just going to LA on this same time wouldn't be too much of a problem" she added.