[h3] Anya [/h3] Anya shrugged in a joking but sweet gesture when Sam asked her if she really thought he was sappy. Obviously the answer was ‘yes’. Sam seemed sweet, and he seemed like the type of person that could love deeply when he got to know people. If he wasn’t into the idea of a love story, Anya would have been super suprised. Her face dropped its smile for a moment when he mentioned heading to his room. On one hand, she trusted him explicitly. He hadn’t given her any reason to feel otherwise, yet. On the other hand, getting close to someone, in their space, on their terms was risky. She knew a little bit about the life, and the job. She also knew that, at the moment, she wasn’t exactly safe in the world. Getting close to someone…just wasn’t high on the agenda. But after Sam went into a long explanation, letting her know that he was fine moving to another room, Anya’s face settled into a bit of pity, and adoration as she smiled at him and shook her head. She tapped her hand on the table and then typed on her phone. “Your room is fine, Sam. Just…keep your hands to yourself.” As the phone read the message, she stood from the table and stepped over close to him with a giggle, shoving at his chest. He seemed to be treating her like she was a breakable thing that he had to be super careful around, which she appreciated. But she also just wanted him to relax. As they stepped into his room, she stopped just over the threshold of the doorway and looked around the room. If she could speak, she would have uttered an unsurprised “wow”. But instead, she leaned against the doorway and smirked, typing on her phone. “Why is this exactly what I expected for you? You’re easy to read, Sam Winchester.” [h3] Dean [/h3] Dean shrugged his shoulders with a ‘hmph’ at Lexi’s turning down his idea for passing time. Who knew how long this guy would take to get back to them?! But he didn’t know what he was trying to keep his mind off of more, the fact that they were in the bunker, after the kiss in the car…or Sam and a mute girl they didn’t even know galavanting around the bunker. But Lexi responded to that just as quick as it crossed his mind and he raised an eyebrow. “Sam’s also a softie when it comes to helpless women with big blue eyes. If you haven’t noticed, there’s one with him, right now.” He explained, trying to justify his own bored paranoia. After a moment, he dropped the idea, and glanced around, as if he was looking for Anya and Sam. Then the computer pinged and Dean sat up straight, gesturing toward it. “These internet nerds…”, he started as Lexi opened the computer and he chuckled, “I wonder if he thinks you’re one of those mysteriously sexy girls in a chat room full of dudes. Let’s roll the dice on whether you’re a forty year old man in a basement.” He chuckled at his own joke and scooted close to Lexi so he could read the message on the screen as she read it off. Furrowing his eyebrows, he read it again, just to make sure he read it right and brought a hand up to his mouth. If the guy was too eager, this could be a trap. Or he might be eager because he was stupid, which was the more likely case. He was probably some teenager who was in way over his head in things he couldn’t possibly understand. Sighing, Dean fanned his fingers out nonchalantly and pointed to the computer. “We can just send him a scan of the journal entry. I mean, it’s not like it gives him much info about us…where we are or anything else about the gun. All it says is that some dude had the gun and then obviously we had it…and it was given to another human most likely. If he knows anyone who has talked about the gun, we can shake him down for a name, follow the name to the next and so on.” But after he finished his sentence, he sighed again with frustration, “But what if this is just some kid that doesn’t know what he’s getting into. Will he have a name or is he just a gun nut who wants the Colt, and thinks it’s a myth? Shaking him down might turn up nothing…or it’s a trap.”