Behold! Just as when she first met Bella, Dany has brought out a tablet and stylus for taking notes[1]. The tablet reads, presently, as follows: [list][*]induct her into the pack [*]use drugs [*]weed?? [*][s]ultimate riddle[/s] no we need her to not think [*]dionysus's wine (how get??) [*]headpats from pack [*]dionysus's [i]weed[/i] [*]gas mask (custom filters) [*]give her a pet to look after (cute as possible) [*]cooling system for blood [*]use dice to make decisions for plan? [*]cooling vents in neck [*]ask Dad how she would handle this [*]wait is Dad here like Dad back home???? [*]douse her in really cold water [*]backup brains [*]board game night (cat letter, adoption alley, [i]not[/i] mysterio) [*]board games [i]while[/i] smoking weed [*]tempt her in...[/list] "The trouble's with all her thoughts," she says. She knows a little of what that's like, but nothing like Vesper must, or how Bella must, for that matter. "So we blunt them. Cloud her thoughts, cool her brain, erase her train of thought, help her feel and experience and [i]be[/i] without building on those thoughts. That'll work until we can gain some favor from the gods to free her from that weight." Whatever that favor is, she doesn't know. She did not make it through [i]THE BOOK OF INEXORABLE DEATH, VOL I-IV[/i][2]. She doesn't [i]know[/i] how assassins function, how to switch them on and off[3], how to stop them from meeting a grisly fate. All she's got is a pack that knows how tactical subspace works, a half-baked plan involving Dionysus's party supplies and every board game she can get her hands on, and a heart that aches seeing Bella like this[4]. But all of her, all her enthusiasm and love and desire to make things right: all are at Bella's disposal. [hr] [1]: in between dispensing medicinal headpats, running her hand firmly and lovingly across Bella's glossy hair and sensitive ears, and applying kisses directly to the affected zone. [2]: Bella may or may not have distracted her from this one intentionally. But the truth of that is on the other side of Lethe. [3]: though she does know how to turn one assassin on. [4]: beneath a chest that [i]really[/i] turns one assassin on.