[color=DodgerBlue]“I mean, I [i]do[/i] kinda feel like we should take them,”[/color] admitted Eddie. [color=Firebrick]“Yeah…”[/color] Tommy stared at the red crystal in the containment unit as if in a trance. Suddenly, the gems began to vibrate and emit a high-pitched electric buzzing. As if pulled by some unseen force, they flew out of the unit, shattering it. The teens watched in wide-eyed wonder as the crystals that had clearly chosen them went right into their grasp, like being drawn by a magnetic field. In that moment, they each [i][b]knew[/b][/i] they were chosen for something greater, something that they couldn’t really comprehend yet. The remaining, unclaimed crystals floated there for a brief moment before vanishing in flashes of light matching their respective colors. Suddenly, the teens saw similar lights rapidly engulfing their own bodies. They felt themselves shift into some form of energy and then shoot straight up into the sky, phasing right through the roof as if it wasn’t there. In mere seconds, they traversed the entire depth of Earth’s atmosphere and shot right out into space. They rapidly approached what looked like a giant silver seashell in the planet’s orbit, and then phased right through that into what they soon realized was the inside of a spaceship. They landed in a Command Center of some kind and felt themselves materialize back into their physical bodies, still grasping their crystals in their hands. The gems that hadn’t been claimed yet were floating in front of a small robot of some kind. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/SYRt1QK.png[/img] [/center] [color=Goldenrod]“Xwai xwai xwai xwai xwai! Tzentde gieh fgew lugfe enda pwofwey! Geraiswyyu? Dbakdae…”[/color] The robot began speaking in a high-pitched, worried, mechanized voice, but his words were some kind of alien language. [color=DodgerBlue]“Whoa!”[/color] Eddie looked around wide-eyed, then at the robot. [color=DodgerBlue]“A fully sentient, multifunctional automaton! I've never seen anything like it!”[/color] [color=Firebrick]“What the hell just happened…”[/color] Tommy was just as bewildered. Meanwhile back on Earth, Professor Cranston walked out of his office to find an empty room and the shattered containment unit on the floor…