[CENTER][h1][color=EB054D][b]RICO[/b][/color][/h1][/center][hr][COLOR=EB054D]“What does chaos sound like anyway?”[/color] Pocketing a stray peanut into its cheek pouch, the squirrel scampered up the tree out of sight. [COLOR=EB054D]“Well [i]you’re[/i] no help!”[/color] Stopping along the well tread and busy footpaths of Phoenix Beach, Rico started to stray from the busy areas and their merriment and revelry. [COLOR=EB054D]“Chaos, chaos, chaos...if only Wicc were here, he was a smarty guy.”[/color] In his walk he ran into a few folk, and asked for their thoughts. “Chaos is discord, so it’d be like banging your hands on a piano,” said an older gent. “Prolly violence, like a fight. Got some money?” a homeless fellow had to say. Rico didn’t need to save his money any more so he gave him a few coins and one of the strawberry flavored candies. “Well, screaming is a good indicator. I suppose it’s our job to follow the sounds of chaos,” said a Sootstrider. And that gave Rico quite the idea, the boy lighting up. About 10 minutes later, the Sootstriders were involved in an incident, several of them being called to a tree in between a few of the complexes, some bystanders leaning out of windows to keep tabs on what was going on. Trapped in the tree was an old lady, the woman howling in fear. As they circled about, trying to climb the trunk, a red and green flash hopped in, scooping up the old lady in a flash, carefully dropping down with a cry of, [COLOR=EB054D]“I’ve gotcha!”[/color] Once on the ground, Rico helped her onto a bench, her legs still trembling. “What are you doing, that was dangerous!” [COLOR=EB054D]“Don’t worry guys, I had it, this kind of thing happens all the time.”[/color] “...I don’t think that's true.” [COLOR=EB054D]“Sure! You wanted to feel young again, right?”[/color] Rico asked. The lady beamed, Rico’s kind understanding like a ray of light in the darkness of black uniformed Sootstriders admonishing her for adding some chaos to their day. She grinned, reaching up to grab his cheek. Rico held it at bay, clarifying, [COLOR=EB054D]“Okaaaay, but you only get one! Ow.”[/color] Rico took the pinch in stride, doing a hard candy exchange before the crowd dispersed. Finding the Sootstrider from before, Rico asked, [COLOR=EB054D]“Mind if I pal around with you guys for a bit? I’m looking for, uh, the sound of chaos. Mister...Phenix? Fenix? Phonics? Mister Fred put me on a job to bodyguard the Prince since some guys are comin’ to kill him dead.”[/color] The Sootstrider went pale. “The Trenders? [i]You[/i]? That fits with what we've been told recently, but you don’t need to go searching. We know where he is since we’ve been keeping watch at a distance, but engage at your own risk. He’s bound to be more dangerous than any assassin that comes after him.” Rico held up a hand, unfurling his fingers to reveal a hard candy lodged between each one. [COLOR=EB054D]“I have a way with people.”[/color]