[b]NATALIA AND MIKA[/b] As Natalia's eyes closed, the strange feet coming closer the only thing that came out of her lips in a whispery breath was "..Cason...". Then it was lights out. As the two sets of legs reached her, one demon knelt down and rummaged through her clothing. "there has to be something" he grumbled, as the other kept look out for the other Winchesters and their companions. "Just hurry up!" The other gruffer one complained. Seconds later, the leaner one stood back up again clutching a folded photo. Natalia's precious old photo of her and John Winchester. "bingo!" He beamed, "she really shouldn't keep this shit tucked in her pockets. It could fall out and into the wrong hands!" He laughed gleefully before rushing off with his buddy. Mika kept looking all around, now with no sight of Dean or Natalia and she was really not liking what was happening. How could this go oh so wrong so quickly? One minute she had Dean finally in her sights, then he was gone again. "lost someone?" A coy female voice broke through the silence, stepping out to Mika's viewpoint. "what do you think?" Mika spat back viciously, not in the mood for another fight with another demon but it was clear that she wasn't going to get her way. The female demon, flashed her black eyes and charged Mika rapidly, with Mika just about dodging the attack by a hairbreadth of a gap. "Not tonight bitch" she seethed, pulling her knife out and altering her stance, ready for a fight she didn't want to do. The redheaded demon then charged again but this time, Mika wasn't quick enough to dodge and in a blink of an eye, she was flat on her back, knife across the ground. "Aww with you on your back for me like that, I'd take you if I was that way inclined!" The demon giggled, just pissing Mika off even more. Scrambling to reach her knife, she felt the demon grab her leg and yank her back, lifting her off the ground in a swift swoop by her hair making Mika yell out in pain. Flailing her arms outward to try and break free, she seemed to loose a few seconds of time as the next thing she witnessed was the demon dropping her, scrambling to get away with her arm on fire. "What the hell?" Mika gasped, watching it all unfold around her. It was only then she noticed a scratch down her own arm before hearing Dean's voice yell out her name. Spinning round on her heels, she saw Dean rush up to her and instantly grab her face, as he always did to check she was okay. "I'm okay...just a scratch on my arm, but okay..." She tried to reassure him, not wanting to explain what she just witnessed and how she doesn't even know who or what or how it even happened. "I don't know where Nat is... We were looking for you and she ended up out of eyesight. I've been trying to look for you and her" she explained. Yards away from where Mika, Dean and Esme were standing Natalia was on the ground in the dark still near the barn wall, stirring awake. With a grunt and hiss as she checked her head, realising she was in fact bleeding from the back of her head, she slowly stood up, grabbed her bow and tried to shake her blurry vision into focus. "Shit!" She cursed as she stumbled round to find the others, eventually finding Dean, Esme and Mika. "Guys, I'm here" she called out but it was clear she was unsteady on her feet, her vision still swirling. She hadn't felt like this since the asylum when she was drugged up and it was proving difficult to not let those traumatic memories come to the surface. [B]SAM[\B] It seemed that shielding Anna just wasn't enough as the moment he got over her to protect, a demon flung him right off of her with a flick of his hand. He went flying across and landed in front of a tree with a grunt. "Get off of her!" He angrily shouted, trying to get up but the demon had managed to pin him in place. "No chance loverboy" was the response before all Sam could do was simply watch Anna get picked up and taken away just like that. "ANNA!!" he yelled as he felt the invisible grip on him drop when Anna and the demon went from his sight. He felt like he was failing her yet again and he could do nothing to help her. Yet despite this failing feeling, he also felt more determined to get her back. Getting back up onto his feet, he dusted his jeans off and ran his hands through his hair, looking around trying to find anyone from their group to come up with a back up plan on what to do. He couldn't see Cason anywhere and wondered if he either broke his agreement to stay with him and Anna to go after Natalia or he just got the hell out of dodge all together and left them in this mess. He was leaning more to the latter even though he felt like that made him an awful brother to Natalia. "Get to the others..." He ordered himself, forcing himself to take one step at a time as he glanced around to find the others. Still no sight of Cason, Natalia or even Esme and Duke. "This is bad..." He grumbled before he eventually found some of the group together except for Duke and Cason. Jogging over, tucking hair behind his ear he atopped in front of them. "where are the others? A demon just took Anna....I don't like this. Cason is nowhere to be seen" he said, not wanting to look Natalia in the eye when he said those words. "what?" He heard Nat replied firmly, despite her current state. "we got outnumbered and overpowered...." He said matter of factly.