[center] [img]https://imgur.com/RSo7nFc.png[/img] [sub]Interactions with [@Sadie] and [@PrinceAlexus][/sub][/center] Eloy couldn't help but grin, an air of mischief around him as his thumb rubbed over the bristles of his brush, trying to get out the paint. He had to admit that he kind of liked it when his best friend got feisty toward him, but he knew she wasn't ever truly angry at him. He was careful trying not to splatter white droplets everywhere as the bed and breakfast's owner joined him and the tourist in the front room. Especially not with Bells overlooking if he'd make a mess or not. She was a damn perfectionist at making the bed and breakfast as good as could be, and he was all too happy to assist in the matter. As the tourist explained she and a stone had apparently had a match which she regretfully lost, the man nodded in understanding, a low hum coming from his lips. Perhaps the woman was used to roads swept clean with not a piece of nature in sight, but on Azul, everything was a bit wilder. Which was beneficial to Eloy, as his services were often needed to tame it. Nothing like the root of a tree threatening to puncture your water tank. [color=sandybrown]"I hope it's nothing too bad,"[/color] he told her, pulling a rag from the back pocket of his pants and placing it on the counter beside the sink, making it a home for the first clean brush before he went onto the next. As Izabel, putting on her most amazing customer service smile, took over the conversation, Eloy listened in, continuing to take care of his brushes as Bells offered to call their local doctor for her. Always the caring one, her. He just smiled to himself until the woman in the lemon dress said something about a wreck. Intrigued, his eyebrows knitted together as he glanced up. So not a tourist per se. He was very big on environmental conservation. But, he wasn't about to meddle in the boss' possibility for customers. Even so, he couldn't help but chime in when the woman inquired about a cold drink. Eloy turned off the water and dried his hands with the towel, a wide grin on his face. [color=sandybrown]"Izabel here makes the best mango smoothie in Azul, although I may be biased,"[/color] the handyman said, winking to his best friend before hanging up the towel. He grabbed his brushes, wrapping them in the rag before excusing himself from the room. Outside, Eloy briefly glanced at the two guests on the lawn chairs, finding that they had abandoned their chairs and now waded in the water with their bare feet. The ocean called to him, too, but actually, he was considering asking Izabel if she wanted to head into town for a drink or something. While his bed [i]also[/i] called to him, he knew he needed to make time for the fun stuff, too. He cleaned up all of his stuff before tugging on his light green shirt as Izabel had commanded. With his toolbox firmly in his palm, he returned to the main room to rejoin the conversation. Yet, he knew he couldn't easily pull Izabel away to head to town if she was tending to a customer. And what if the woman, who introduced herself as Kat, needed a doctor anyway? Giving the woman a nod, he leaned his palm on the counter and looked at his best friend, a curious look on her face. [color=sandybrown]"Uh, did you still want to head into town tonight?"[/color]