[center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5531101][img]https://i.imgur.com/oqkGPuZ.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][h3]--Athroyeaux Castle - Throne Room--[/h3][/center] [@Estylwen] [@LunarParadox] [@ERode] [@Click This] [@Irradiant] The Duke and Duchesses deliberated on the Ghost-King's offer, side with him and he shall bring Arrowfell into an enlightened age, free from the tyrant monarch's oppression and into an era of peace and prosperity. [color=f68192][i]Heh...[/i][/color] And yet, Kronos could see that regardless of DuFairre's true intentions, these humans didn't seem too keen on following through. Doubt, apprehension, [i]suspicion[/i]. These sentiments grew more and more palpable with each word spoken by the three nobles. They - Rhinecliff included - didn't believe the spectre sitting on the throne was as magnanimous as he claimed to be; they had no faith that he'd be a better ruler than the Wizard Queen, perhaps... even [i]worse[/i]. After all, for all of her faults, Evelyn didn't consign each and every single being - people, animals, and plants all - in her lands into undeath. Kronos itself was practically forced to live as a Lilim, transformed against its will away from its perfect Shadeborne existence. In this, it could understand the humans' reluctance. Huh, is this what the mortals call 'empathy'? [color=f68192][i]Interesting...[/i][/color] The shadows cast upon by the Simulacrum's physical presence contorted and morphed, a wide, ear-splitting grin gaped from its face as an [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DhGxsEK8JA]otherworldly cackle[/url] echoed throughout the dreary halls. The spine-chilling laughter of a [i]true[/i] Shadeborne, supplanting the false reign of these pale imitations... ...and yet, even as Kronos reintroduced the primal emotion of [i]fear[/i] back into these ghosts, Duke Rhinecliff, Duchess Agustria, and Duchess Bastille would have this odd twist in their gut, conveying to them that somehow, someway... [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcuaQaV-kRI]Tonight, the Shade was on [b]their[/b] side.[/url] [color=f68192][i]Mortals truly [b]are[/b]... interesting.[/i][/color] The Dremora could no longer suppress itself as a similar - but more human-like - smirk curled on its Lilim facade. From outside observers, they could discern nothing but Melisande behaving... slightly 'out of character', but in truth, Kronos was working her-... [i]their[/i] magic, combining the Dremora's mastery over causality and the Lilim's fey-touched arcane blood, it performed a minute gesture with its right index finger, [i]silently[/i] casting a most romantic spell, one that reflected the undying bond between the Spectre King and his subjects. Thus, even as the Titan-slaying sword sailed through the air at the King of Ravenfell, Kronos, through the power of the Shade and Feywilds both, tied the strings of fates between Lamont DuFairre and Valor Teardrop together, intertwining them in the [b][i]Fate Bond[/i][/b]. For them, the Shade-Lord of Space-Time had naught but a single [i]parting[/i] word. [color=f68192][i]Die...[/i][/color]