[b]SAM[\b] At Anya's permission and calmness about watching the film in his room, he was relieved and even smirked and chuckled at her hands comment. He held his hands up "I will, don't worry" he replied whilst thinking to himself 'I'm not my brother'. In his room, he turned round to see she was standing in the threshold taking in what it looked like. He never really thought about it before but it was rather basic, not as basic as Dean's 'decorating' but basic nonetheless. Still though, there was some things that said he did care about his room and environment and had tried to make a very old room his own. As her thoughts came through her phone, he sheepishly smiled and nodded, "guilty as charged I guess. I admit, I like some kind of order in my room. With the job we have, we don't really get much of that, so coming home here to a tidy and homely feel bedroom? Just feels right" he explained. "Better than the chaos that is Dean's" he smirked. He welcomed her in with an outstretched arm, "feel free to step inside. It's not much but the chair and bed is comfortable, so pick where you wanna sit or you can pick one of the films on my shelf" he explained. He wanted her to feel comfortable and relaxed whilst they waited for Dean and Lexi to get information on the colt that Anya so desperately needed. He walked to his little TV set up and turned it on ready for whatever film or series Anya decided she wanted to watch as he really did have something of everything in his collection. The collection all began from hearing the hype about various titles either online or on the street and he figured he'd get them to see what it was all about. It became a regular thing to the point that even Mika would have seen something, bought it and just left it on his bed with a note saying 'saw this, sounded up your alley'. After that, he never really stopped expanding his collection. If Anya walked to his shelf of DVD's, she'd have seen titles from Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones to Pixar films such as Cars and Wreck it Ralph. [B]LEXI[\b] Lexi couldn't stop the amused smile from creeping onto her lips when Dean mentioned about Sam's soft spot for women in distress as it was true. She herself was one of those women not that long ago in reality. Yet if Sam hadn't found her she would have been yet another dead hunter or a rogue hunter that became incredibly reckless and just get herself killed later down the road. She also wouldn't have met Dean if Sam hadn't found her in her house. "oh I know what Sam's weakness is, I was one to a degree don't forget" she retorted with a smirk. She could feel the paranoia oozing off of Dean but she also felt that she had known Sam long enough to trust he knew what he was doing. She presumed that's what what was different about her and Dean, she saw Sam as a friend and colleague whereas Dean just saw the baby brother he needed to protect over everything else. The ping of the message alert came at a good time as she wasn't sure where to go conversation wise that didn't take a turn into the flirting road. She was still aware of how Dean was coping with his grief, just as she was and she didn't want to overstep either. With the message read and discussed, she had to agree with Dean that this could be one of two situations. A kid that was way over his head or a trap. She hoped it was the former and not the latter but she had also been in this job long enough that they couldn't just write the latter option off the table completely either. She listened to him suggest the scan of a journal entry about the gun, weighing it up and coming to the conclusion that it was their best option. "okay, send me the scan so I can attach it to the message. If this is just a kid in way over his head then we'll deal with it once we've got the location. If it's a trap? Well we'll deal with it as well. All we can do now is treat it as a non threat but be prepared if it turns south" she explained, whilst also mentally grounding herself from having Dean so close to her to read the message himself. It was an invasion of person space but for some reason she wasn't totally adverse to it whilst it was Dean doing it. She figured it was just a trait of his and so she didn't say anything. The last thing she wanted to do was scare him off when she had accomplished getting him focused on something other than becoming one with his mattress. In a shadow across the main room, Mika's spirit watched on as the two of them worked as a team, impressed by this Lexi's work ethic and how she was with Dean. "funny how death is making me less jealous all of a sudden" she muttered to herself, she really did just want him happy again over everything else. Once more, she let herself vanish and head outside the bunker, perching on the wall that lead to the parking lot underneath as she looked out the scenery in front of her. "You ready to come with me yet? It's been months" a reaper, one that had been coming to Mika since day one of her death appeared once more. "Not yet. He's not ready to fully let me go yet and I need to know he is. But I have hope he will soon with this Lexi around. I'm actually seeing him smiling and cracking jokes again" she replied. "Mika....you can't stay much longer, even for you, you're taking a huge risk watching over him this long" the reaper explained. "I know that Lee, but until he's ready to let me go, I'm still tethered to him. We've always been tethered together, he needs to cut the cord himself. I can't do that for him" she explained.