[center][h2][color=0072bc]Blazermate[/color][/h2] Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (53/130) Location: Mafia Town Word Count: Less than 750 [/center] Blazermate took a bit to get over what happened to Bowser. Although it made sense now that she thought about it, he wasn't all that smart. Hopefully he didn't turn into a consul the next time they saw her, Ganondorf would be happy about that though. Still, Mafia town was colorful, fun, although she couldn't enjoy any of the fish or cooking on display. The Mafia running the town, or so they called themselves, were pretty goofy all things considered. But from what she heard from the others who were here, their food was good. Getting up to her own shenanigans, although they were things she wasn't all that sure were shenanigans, upon learning that the random flying blue girl robot could heal grievous wounds with ease, when she was around an area the Mafia were often emboldened to push people they normally weren't up to pushing around due to getting injured. They'd do their shenanigans, and much like they assumed, they'd get beaten up a bit, and come running to the medabot for heals so they didn't have to rest for days. While Blazermate was fine with healing what she assumed were town guards (And likewise, was often given more freedom around Mafia town than most.), she actually contributed to the crime of the city more than she thought. Hey, at least the occasional Mafia was happy enough to pay her a tip, although that was often rare. Really the biggest boon was the fact that she could fly around the city at her leisure without being bothered too much by Mafia... well unless they needed heals of course. [hr] [center][h2][color=d7d7d7]Roland[/color][/h2] Level 6 Roland (25/60) Location: Meridi-at-Han Word Count: Less than 750 [/center] Meridi-at-Han was a glamorous looking city, but a City non the less. Fixer work suited Roland, it was really the only thing he was good at. But that also meant he was good at a lot of things. Although he expected that this group would give him some money, apparently that wasn't the case. Instead they relied on his resourcefulness to make ends meet. Something that he at least had in spades, and as such started a new fixer office in Meridi-at-Han. Being a city of adventurers, work wasn't really a problem. The problem was that there were also tons and tons of others looking for work and unlike the City, Roland couldn't really use his name to sell things. At this point he doubted the old grading systems even meant anything anymore which really sucked... But at least now he didn't have to call himself a grade 9 fixer anymore. And unlike many of the adventurers here, he offered something they lacked... anonymity. Anyone who saw him walking around would just assume 'hes just another guy' and wouldn't remember him once he left their sight. That and his silent movement made him one heck of an assassin. Although all that being said, he preferred to be an information broker. While getting information took a bit, he learned much what Goldweis learned about the city to the north and the guardian of the area. Apparently that was common knowledge. But he also learned the lay of the land and what generally was in all the areas. His services on the other hand were... pretty bog standard contracts all things considered. Almost clandestine with kill 4 ogres here or 15 butterflies there... Honestly Roland was expecting way bigger jobs but there weren't Stars here. It paid the bills though and even got Roland a new weapon. [hider=Tearblaster] The [url=https://horizon.fandom.com/wiki/Tearblaster]Tearblaster[/url] deals massive damage to armor, often stripping it away in one or two hits. It does very light to no damage to non armor though, instead just doing a bit of a knockback from the blast of air. [/hider] Speaking of Goldweis. When Roland went to grab a bite to eat; the one thing he loved about the city with its various delicious foods, he saw the vet looking over the balcony looking at the upcoming circus. [color=d7d7d7]"Hey old timer, enjoying the food?"[/color] Roland said, silently sitting next to the vet out of punching range, a plate of curry next to him. [color=d7d7d7]"I wonder whats going to go on with that circus. The masks I saw from a few of them kinda creep me out."[/color] [hr] [center][h2][color=92278f]Sectonia[/color][/h2] Level 12 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) (33/120) Location: Skyworld Word Count: Less than 750 [/center] Being under the rule of someone else was not something Sectonia liked. But one does what one does when the only one above you is a literal god. A god that was pretty much hands off in all regards, so much so that Sectonia could at least add the details she liked to the temple. At first there were some chatter and disapproval at Sectonia summoning random crystal platforms, but once it was shown that these platforms were not only decorative, but functional as sniping positions for some angels to snipe at the corruption, as well as her own abilities made them begrudgingly accept the admittedly pretty crystals. Sectonia meanwhile aided with dealing with the corruption, or even pushing it back, with her antlers and her own abilities. Although strong on the frontlines, Sectonia more spent her time learning about what was around the area, about powerful artifacts and other such things. Although so far she had only a couple leads and nothing concrete. As much as she'd like to research all of this, she'd oftne have to refresh her antlers who were fighting on the front lines, or use her own light based abilities while cloaked in her Chaos heart shield to push back and often gain some ground before retreating back to continue looking at what she was more interested in, power.