[center][color=9e0b0f][b]QUIVER[/b][/color][/center] Quiver groaned softly, leaning against the metallic wall he was thrown against. He could feel fresh bruising and his arm went to his side, as they immediately started throbbing in pain. He looked over to Mirage. [b][color=ed1c24]“I’ll answer that once someone checks my stitches”[/color][/b] He gathered himself, drawing in his resolve with a deep breath through clenched teeth as he stood up. He’d be okay, he always was. At least right up until he wasn’t. Hopefully they don’t have any run-ins with a Metahuman with Kilimanjaro adjacent claws. With the others having dispatched their targets, the four young heroes were now alone in the space. In the distance Quiver could hear the unmistakable sounds of violence, those sparkling blasts that signaled Zatara at work chief among them. A strange sense of Deja vu struck him. He was back on the team. Even if mangled and in recovery. It felt good, even if Rain was here. And even at that Quiver could tell he was half in jest. Still, there was something strange. Mirage was right, they had torn through the their opposition. While the others were still out there engaged. [b][color=ed1c24]”Rain, what was the information we had about this place? If Batman and the others wanted details, further in is our best option to make this a success.”[/color][/b] He pointed down the continued halls, where multiple doors remained close, and strangely enough…no reinforcements were currently charging them. And after the kind of noise that Iceburn tends to make when she really lets loose, that was as shocking as anything else.