Ryan was completely stunned as he clutched the pink crystal that had flown back into his hand on its own accord. One minute they were sitting in a lab, and the next, they were shooting into space, their bodies engulfed in vibrant energy. As they landed somewhere futuristic as far as Ryan could tell. His eyes looked around, taking in the bizarre surroundings and the odd robot speaking in an unfamiliar language. [color=pink]“Well, this is definitely not how I pictured my day going…”[/color] Ryan muttered. He brushed off imaginary dust off his beach outfit. Ryan gave Eddie a look when he announced what the robot was. [color=pink]“A what? Darling, it’s a robot… I think someone has been watching a little too much Science Fiction lately.”[/color] Ryan said with a giggle. Speaking of, he turned his attention back to it. [color=pink]“Alright, I have no idea what you’re saying, but I’m going to need some answers. Preferably in a language that doesn’t sound like a glitching toaster. Some context would be fabulous right about now.”[/color]