[center][abbr=Primrose][img]https://i.imgur.com/zqHOn9T.png[/img][/abbr] [color=D34C25]Word Count: 933 (+2 exp) [u]Level[/u]: [b]11[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 162/110 [i]Monday Evening.[/i] [b]Location[/b]: Meridi-at-Han, Forbidden Kingdom[/color] [color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●[/color][color=gray]●●●●[/color][/center] These last few days getting familiar with the mesa city-state known as Meridi-at-Han had been a spirited affair. Pleasant too, for the most part. The massive city was sunny and colorful, warm shadows cast by tall clay and stone buildings vibrantly painted and decorated with cloths and flags. Being up so high winds kept the city cool enough that the humidity rising from the jungle and savanna below it were tolerable, as well as pushed fragrant aromas through the streets. The city was primal but not primitive, and lively both during the day and at night. The vibe and aesthetic appealed to Primrose's sensibilities. And of course, she appreciated the culture of dance that was on display daily, on street corners and in elaborate halls. Being a dancer herself, [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5548154]Primrose[/url] had no trouble immersing herself in it all. Not long into her stay she had tucked away the beautiful dress Yuria had made for her and donned something closer to her [url=https://i.imgur.com/zyMb3FW.jpeg]usual look[/url], which helped her blend in. She was a tall woman, toned and completely humanoid, with a ruby adorning her forehead and a huge braid tied at the back of her head. She had no scales or horns like a portion of the city's populace, but even so she stood out a little for two reasons: the first was that she was a beauty. Light clear skin, long lashes, dark green eyes like emeralds, and a mole by her mouth, she turned heads near everywhere she went. The second reason was that her skill was a cut above many other dancers. She had danced for most of her life, for pleasure and for business, both in order to survive and in order to assure her vengeance. Here in this patchwork world, she'd been able to see the skill of other dancers first hand and pit her own against them, coming out on top. She was good at what she did, and so when she took to the streets and taverns of Meridi-at-Han as an independent dancer, she found no lack of funds, fans, and facts about the city, eagerly given by locals wanting to get to know her. That was all well and good, but the information she was really after still eluded her. Leads on the Guardians of these areas, what they were or where they could be found... no one knew anything of the sort. That didn't come as a surprise to Primrose - the Guardians of the Sandswept Sky and the Underground had both been hidden away, confined to some prison that they'd needed Organization XIII to point out for them. Still, she had learned some interesting things; about the Consuls of the area, the functional 'capital' of the Forbidden Kingdom and its four kings, and more. "Hey there Primrose!" Speaking of more, that voice was a recently familiar one to her. Primrose had been descending from a high area in the city, making her way down towards the lively merchant quarter, but she turned when she heard her name. A [url=https://i.imgur.com/gjPoEm5.png]young woman[/url] in tribal attire jogged down the stone path and kept pace beside the dancer. Kayna was a friendly face around town whenever she showed up. She'd first come to Meridi-at-Han like many before her to gain some understanding with the people that hunted and killed monsters, and found herself enjoying her time in the city enough that she made visiting a regular thing. She lived in the wilderness far below, and was happy to talk about all kinds of things that could be found in the jungles and the frontier. Roaming creatures, a witch that was a little too into dead things, and of course... a gigantic, everlasting omelette just sitting there on the Tyrannian Plateau. Primrose gave her a small smile. [color=D34C25]"Today's flavor?"[/color] Kayna grinned. "Spicy red pepper." The two of them had starting talking after a chance meeting, complimenting each other's similar hairstyle. From there they went from strangers to acquaintances. Primrose couldn't truly call Kayna a friend, but she was nice to chat with. The two of them struck up an easy conversation as they walked, stopping only when Primrose noticed Goldlewis sat at a cantina nearby. He was a hard man to miss after all. As the women followed the path that took them closer, Roland surprisingly turned up as well. Primrose had mostly kept to herself over the week. She didn't think Roland or Goldlewis were bad guys or anything, but... she still hardly knew either one of them. Rather than collaborate with them in the city she'd gone her own way, and it had worked out. The same was probably true for the both of them as well. If Roland and Goldlewis had met up to exchange information before tonight she didn't know, but since it had been a while since she spoke to them (and she could actually hear Kayna's stomach growling from the alluring smells of the dishes), Primrose steered the both of them toward the tavern. [color=D34C25]"I hope you ordered enough for us,"[/color] Primrose said, making her voice playful and silky smooth as she stepped onto the tavern's patio and approached the pair. Getting the sense that Primrose knew the men in some form (or otherwise just wrangling them some free grub), Kayna played along, putting her hands on her hips and smiling at the two - until she was quickly distracted, looking at the area below and the tents being set up. "Oh! Isn't that...? That traveling circus?" Primrose glanced in the direction Kayna was looking. A traveling circus all the way up here? That was intriguing... [center][hider=For Primrose] New Skill: [b]Tethys' Beloved Dance[/b]. Empowers Primrose's dancing and allows her to reinvigorate allies whom she dances for. Allies she performs for are granted another chance at action, restoring part of their stamina in addition to the regular effects her dancing bestows. [/hider][/center]