[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/fnq8tN8.png[/img][/center] [COLOR=gold][indent][sub][B]Location:[/B] [COLOR=DARKGRAY][I]Jumphaven,[/I] [I]New York[/I][/COLOR][/sub][sup][right][b]Chapter Two:[/b] [COLOR=darkgray][I]Disaster & the Danger Room[/I][/COLOR][/right][/sup][/indent][/color][sub][hr][/sub] [center][color=gold][sub][B]Interaction(s):[/B] [COLOR=darkgray][I][@Omega Man] - Kid Cannonball | [@Crimson Flame] - Ice Beast | [@Silver Carrot] - Marauder [@Half Pint] - Orphan X | [@Polaris North] - Reactor | [@Double] - Spellbinder[/I][/COLOR][/sub][/color][/center] Gary and Vic were on their sixth or seventh match. It was pretty even in terms of skill. Gridlock looked over as Laura took a seat near them with a cup of coffee. He wasn't sure if she was much of a Street Kombat fan. Gridlock wondered if an info dump would be completely out of line. He also wondered if he would be eviscerated by the girl with sharp metal blades that sprung out of her hands. "Street Kombat came out in the 90's but didn't get good until Street Kombat II. It had more sequels than most games and it was a sequel itself. Street Kombat II Tournament Edition, Super Street Kombat II, Street Kombat II Turbo, and Street Kombat II Champion Edition, followed by Street Kombat Annihilation. They introduced something like fifty-eight characters..." Vic said in his auto-tuned voice towards Laura. There was a dramatic pause. "There's a character with blades in his arms called Barakavega..." Vic continued with a slight grin looking over at the Claw Family hero. Below in the Danger Room... After Marauder hit the scene it didn't take long for her and Kid Cannonball to finish the 'mission' in the Danger Room. The civilians faded out of the environment to make room for the dozens of holo-droids mimicking Billy Infinity. When the prime Billy was taken down and Scare-Crow was KO'ed by Sam in the air, the rest of the scenery began to dissipate. The neutered fear gas the Danger Room used was almost completely ventilated out. On their way towards the exit the pair of heroes were shocked to see their score was in the seventy percent range due to simulated property damage and lethal force being used on several Billy clones. Meanwhile back upstairs in Spellbinder's personal quarters, the young magician is hanging around doing magician things when suddenly a voice could be heard. Probably more like meta-mutant telepathy, but it was actually Doctor Strangefate. "Zack." said the voice. "ZACK! Can... you... hear... me..?" it continued when suddenly a scrying window opened up in the room like a mobile video call without the need of a phone or tablet. "Is now a good time?" Strangefate asked removing his helmet to show the bald middle aged man known as Charles Xavier.