[center][h1][color=lightblue]Galahad Caradoc[/color][/h1] [/center][hr] The situation was handled. Even with Mizutani waving around a pistol, this situation was all but handled- the crime lord wasn't a warrior like the rest of them, so Galahad doubted she could do much with the firearm. The others seemed to have a similar idea as a few of them began to disperse, Eliane with her newfound toy and Esben taking away Robin. Galahad merely stayed in the room to hold an imposing presence, heavy armor and weapons had a tendency to do that. They'd gotten to Mizutani, and now Miina could get her questions answered, then they could dispose of her and be done with this dirty business. At least, that was the plan, right? It was incredible how quickly plans could unravel- by this point, Galahad should've hardly been surprised, but he was still caught by surprise nonetheless. Galahad had a feeling Ciradyl had come here for more reasons than just a cup of tea in the middle of the night, but stabbing her while another of their group was trying to get answers wasn't exactly what he had expected. [color=lightblue]"Grab her!"[/color] Galahad bellowed, but Rudolf was already on it. Galahad quickly slid across the floor to grab Mizutani in turn. His hands moved to her wounds, putting pressure on them. He had no particular need care for the woman- after all she [i]had[/i] just sent an entire building's worth of goons on them, but Miina's questions deserved answers- that was the main reason she was out here with them, after all. [color=lightblue]"Etro above! Ciradyl you damned fool!"[/color] Galahad cursed her. Could her revenge have not waited ten godsdamned minutes? It wasn't as though they couldn't have [i]lied[/i] to Mizutani about ensuring their safety. Sure, lying wasn't exactly in Galahad's wheelhouse, but there were plenty of folk in their group that probably would have had fewer scruples regarding such a thing. It wasn't as though Galahad didn't understand the desire for revenge- it was as common a motivator as any that anyone could find. But honestly? It wasn't as though Miina had been keeping her need to find her brother a secret. Ciradyl at the very least was aware of such a thing, but couldn't find it in herself to even let the girl find answers before exacting vengeance for whatever reasons she had. She knew they were here to kill Mizutani anyway- she could've gone with them and her vengeance likely would've been sated one way or another way. Instead, she let herself in while letting the rest of the party bumble around through dozens of goons. [color=lightblue]"Rudolf. Keep her there."[/color] Galahad growled, pointing at Ciradyl with his halberd before gesturing to Miina, [color=lightblue]"Come, I won't be able to stop the bleeding without magic."[/color] Glancing down at Mizutani in his arms, Galahad's look offered no pity. One arm kept the woman restrained, in case she tried anything funny, a broad hand holding both of her wrists like a vice. Setting down the heavy halberd, the Galahad's other hand rested on the grip of his hunting knife on the small of his back. [color=lightblue]"New deal Miss Tane. Miina is the only one in this room capable of keeping you alive. I'd be trying to get into her good books right about now- first by answering her questions."[/color]