[b]SAM[/b] Sam didn't even fully know why he was suddenly over explaining everything. He just was. The only excuse he could come up with was that he just wanted Anya to feel safe here and not in danger. He remembered being like it to a certain extent with Lexi when he first met her, except the only difference was it wasn't the bunker, it was a motel room because he had to get her out of her house where all the traumatic sights were around her. Safety was his number one reason for a lot of things, especially over the last few years. He let her type on her phone and then listened to what it spoke for her, making him smile sheepishly, looking at the floor briefly before up at her. He let her walk in and over to his movie collection, letting her pick whatever she wanted to watch. When she seemingly found one, he looked over his shoulder as he stood from the TV set up and couldn't help but chuckle at her choice. He had forgotten he even had they one in his collection. Taking the dvd from her, he opened the case and put it into the player before standing up, grabbing the remote and about to head to the chair when she told him he didn't have to sit on the chair if he didn't want to. So he went to the bed and sat next to her before pressing play on the remote. "If Dean walks in on us watching this I'll never hear the end of it, but I know for a fact he's sat through far more Disney movies than I have over the years" he laughed, folding his arms casually across his chest as he got comfortable. After he stated that, he decided he would have to remember to keep his knowledge of the number of times Mika used to make Dean watch Beauty and the Beast over the years and he has caught him humming the songs in the shower, so he had dirt to tell Lexi if it ever was required. [b]LEXI[/b] She knew that Dean wouldn't have seen her in hunter mode and unlike Sam, Dean still had to see for himself what she was capable of. Although it may have come across that she was ready to charge in all guns blazing and not wanting to suss out all capabilities this could turn, she was always thinking about it. Her mind was racing through numerous scenarios all at once, whilst her outside demeanor remained calm. She let him get up and grab what they needed, glancing over for a brief moment before looking back at her laptop screen, unaware that he was sensing he was being watched. In her eyes, there was absolutely nothing out of the ordinary in the bunker, she certainly never would have guessed his ex partner was still watching over him from the other side. She had heard about her and thought what a complete badass hunter she must have been. She didn't want to erase Mika from Dean's life or replace her in any way, but she would have been lying if there wasn't a tiny part of her that truly did want to experience some happiness and closeness with Dean. When he came back, she looked over at the information he brought over before looking back at her screen, seeing he had indeed sent a digital copy of the scan to her laptop. [i]'good job my laptop name is Lexi's laptop'[/i] she thought to herself. "thanks" she said before chuckling at his rawr. "You know you could just text Sam if you're that worried about where he is with Anya?" She pointed out, thinking that was the sole reason he wanted radios in the place. Yet it was also clear to her that he was feeling on edge for some reason which got her wondering if it was just the case they were on or something else putting him on edge. She sent OccultNrd333 the proof they wanted that she was telling the truth and as she waited for the reply, she grabbed her glass taking a sip of her drink. "fingers crossed he won't waste any time in replying like before" she replied to Dean. She desperately wanted to ask if he was alright. But she also didn't want to over step by getting personal when they were in work mode. So she remained silent, staring at the laptop screen for a few minutes until they got a message back. [i]HntrssDknss73, Okay, I believe you. Find enclosed the coordinates to my location. Meet in one hour. OccultNrd333. [u]click here for location[/u][/i] "Okay, we're on! We better get moving, which one of us is gonna tell Sam and Anya we're heading out?" She asked Dean as she closed down her laptop and stood up.